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If only you'd let me love you

You shall wake up with a sweet kiss
Just the way I put you to sleep
Days may pass and so may years
But my love shall remain this deep

I shall always watch you
With a face naked with love
Cos I'm a firm believer
That our match was made above

Gravity may bring me down
But I'm gonna hold on strong
Cos I know that with you and me
Together, nothing can go wrong

I shall hear you sing
Till the time stands still
My breath needs your voice
Without which I'm just nil

You're perfect to my eyes
You connect with my soul
Irrespective of the zillion differences
Only you make me feel whole

Even after all these years
My heart still skips a beat for you
Just hold me tight when you're around
Then you'll know its true

Do you know that I only want you
I want your old self and nothing new
You'll know all of these things
If only you'd let me love you


  1. very touchy the zillion diffrnc n match made abv was d best part n nt to mention d last line wich touched the core..applaud

  2. Writer ,your lines are the lines i wanted to shout! awesome it!!


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