I have something against the month of July. Or rather July has something against me. Everything in life gets so screwed in this particular month that I feel that life sucks and there is no room for improvement. Well its a different thing that the feeling lasts only till about the last week of the month and then things begin to slightly improve. But while that terrible July phase lasts, its nerve wrecking. July 2008 - The first cracks began to appear in my relationship finally resulting in impending doom. July 2009 - Battling the peak of clinical depression. July 2010 - Diagnosed with symptoms of chickengunya, read low blood pressure, low platelet and haemoglobin count, joint pains and acute anaemia. These pop up every now and then taking my whole petite system down. July 2011 - A repeat telecast of 2010, with hospitalisation and needles in and out of me. If that was not bad enough, things got so bad at work that I was on the verge of losing my mind. Just when I was about to totally cro...
Opinion Writer - Saying it the way it is.