Image Source The past few months have not been easy for all of us. Social life came to a standstill for most of us and we were forced to stay rooted yet safe at home. Routines turned topsy-turvy, habits were out of sync, sleep cycles were all over the place and what not. Personally, I am a creature of routine and this sudden change in lifestyle did not go down way too well on me. Initially, I suffered from crazy bouts of anxiety coupled with paranoia. My stress levels were at its peak and everything I did or wanted to do did not make any sense. It took me a couple of months to cope with this sudden change. It wasn't easy and this was a personal battle so I had to figure it out myself. With time, I did and I have made peace with the situation now. While Covid threw all our travel plans out of the window, reduced our social life to zero, suppressed the food explorers in us, took our mental health for a toss; an area that I did not expect it to impact was my menstrual health. I was so...
Opinion Writer - Saying it the way it is.