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Showing posts from August, 2020

Menstrual Health During Covid

Image Source The past few months have not been easy for all of us. Social life came to a standstill for most of us and we were forced to stay rooted yet safe at home. Routines turned topsy-turvy, habits were out of sync, sleep cycles were all over the place and what not. Personally, I am a creature of routine and this sudden change in lifestyle did not go down way too well on me. Initially, I suffered from crazy bouts of anxiety coupled with paranoia. My stress levels were at its peak and everything I did or wanted to do did not make any sense. It took me a couple of months to cope with this sudden change. It wasn't easy and this was a personal battle so I had to figure it out myself. With time, I did and I have made peace with the situation now. While Covid threw all our travel plans out of the window, reduced our social life to zero, suppressed the food explorers in us, took our mental health for a toss; an area that I did not expect it to impact was my menstrual health. I was so...

Home | WordlessWednsday - 24

Home, Bangalore - 2020 Home isn't a place, it is a feeling. ~ Cecelia Ahern

Mismatched Pieces

Image Source We all are a little broken That does not make us weak When we put back ourselves differently Then we are truly unique It is fine if there is a crack That's how the light gets in Acceptance is the first step Healing begins from within

Vanya | #ThursdayTreeLove - 21

Makalidurga, June 2020 In June, we stepped out of home for the first time after staying in for three whole months. We went out for a long drive to this place called Makalidurga, which is around 60kms away from the city. The drive was peaceful and when we reached there, there was no one at all! We stepped out the car, spent some time admiring the view and left after a while. After months of being of being at home, this felt like such a refreshing break.

34 On 34

I stopped doing birthday posts a few years ago, although I don't recall why. Sub-consciously I had stopped writing life-updates or other personal stuff on the blog. It was mainly because people became too nosy and felt that they had a say in everything I do. It was also because my blog-posts were becoming coffee table conversations and were being discussed on whatsapp groups which I'm not a part of but got all the updates to (involuntarily, obviously!). Personally, I'm someone who hates gossip, let alone be the topic! With time, I realized that people will talk no matter what. Over the past few months, the blog has been becoming more about blog-hops and book reviews and was losing its personal touch. It all changes now.

Action Replay + Gratitude List: July 2020

Image Source Back in March, when this whole self-isolation charade started, I never thought we'd still be here in August. It was pretty obvious, but the mind refused to believe. August is my birthday month and it is usually a month that keeps me happy and exuberant. July has been comforting too and it helped me strike a balance between the old and the new normal. July has been a highly productive month and it kept me busy, just the way I like it. I have crazy deadlines at work and it kept me busy for most of the day. Thanks to a planned routine I was able to manage my time quite effectively and this helped me have a clear and calm mind.