Ever since his video was aired on all local news channels an ordinary saint(?), Swami Nithyananda became a nation wide hero. Well for good or bad reasons who cares. After all any kind of publicity is good. Actually I care two hoots about what this guy did. What annoys me is why is this guy being given so much importance. He's just an ordinary person at the end of the day and why bother what he does in his personal space. The worse thing was when the media aired the sleazy video on all new channels, that too on Prime time. For God's sake, there are teenagers and kids watching TV at those times. But why would they bother. They need to run their show right! That Swami is no less either. I had never even heard of him until he decided to show up in the most inappropriate way possible. The Tamil actress in the video is now tainted for life. I wonder what was she thinking. I have seen the video and I don't see her being forced to do anything out there. Its very 'Godly' of ...
Opinion Writer - Saying it the way it is.