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Showing posts from October, 2017

Watch Your Back

Image Source These days friendships are really tricky Every face now wears a facade While it looks like we're all together Each one is playing a different card They bewitch you with their sweet smiles Get their work done through you With hugs and selfies on social media This can almost pass off as true They stick really close to you Watching your every move While their tune is completely different They'll pretend to dance to your groove

Too Good For You

Image Source I think of you every time I look into the mirror. With every new break out, every new scar your memories come rushing. You said it was love at first sight for you and I never believed it. I do not, till date. You were the charmer, the one girls wanted to know. Let me correct myself, the other girls. I on the other hand found you to be full of yourself. A narcissist. There was a certain air around you that I wanted to stay away from. It felt fake, more like a make believe aura. I found you loud and obnoxious too. Yet, you persisted. I'm prettier than everyone else, you said. I laughed it away as one of your lines. You didn't give up. You didn't give the other flawless girls a second look. You stayed by my side. It was difficult for me to even be friends with you. We had nothing in common, remember? I was well read with many hobbies and interests, and you, well, you were just you. Every time we spoke, you could only praise me or ask me out. Every single t...

Book Review: Purple Hibiscus

Image Source Title: Purple Hibiscus Author: Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Publisher: Fourth Estate (1 October 2007) Genre: Contemporary Fiction Price: Rs. 216 on Amazon Pages: 336 The rave reviews of ' We Should All Be Feminists ' is what introduced me to Adichie, the young Nigerian author. Turns out ' Purple Hibiscus ' is her debut novel and is considered one of the most strongest debuts after Arundhati Roy’s ' The God of Small Things '. While I have tried and failed reading the latter, 'Purple Hibiscus' made it to my TBR list some time ago. Once I received this book as a birthday gift, it went on to my large pile of unread books. When a lot of people pushed me to read this, I decided to give it a try. I had heard a lot of good reviews about it, but I was not too sure how much I would enjoy an African setting amidst political instability. With zero expectations and ready to abandon if needed, I started reading this book.

#FeministMondays | No Cheers For Good Women

Image Source " Acche ghar ki ladkiyan alcohol drink nahi karti ". This translates to " Girls from good homes don't drink alcohol " and this was a line made wrongly famous by the movie PINK . Have you ever noticed that when you are out for a meal and how the waiter gives the woman the food menu and the man the drinks menu? In India, drinking is somehow considered a man thing. I'm sick and tired of being judged for enjoying a drink every now and then. If the whole point is about alcohol being bad for health, when did the importance of good health become gender specific? Men can drink, but women can't? Our society needs to grow up way too much. Girls who drink are considered characterless, sluts, immoral and what not. But somehow a man drinking is directly proportional to his virility. To be a man, he must drink. To be a woman, she must not drink. Or rather to be a good woman she must not drink. If this isn't prejudice then I don't know wh...


PHOTO PROMPT © Ted Strutz " Look out, darling. The moon looks so beautiful. " Anya tells Jay. " No. I'm not moving from here. " Jay responds, holding on to his head tightly. " It's okay, honey. Just try coming out to the deck. You'll not be sick, I'm sure. " " What if I do? Everyone will laugh at me. " " Come on, we are in the middle of the ocean. Many people get seasick, you know that, Jay. "

Action Replay: September 2017

Image Source While August was all about being in control, September was about acceptance and letting go. Even though it passed in a blink, September was a very good month in terms of both professional and personal life. Work kept me busy and I was able to sail through without much stress. August helped me plan my time better and I found a lot of peaceful me time this month. I've come to realize one thing. Without having some time for myself every single day, I get really cranky, angry and moody. I love my husband and my friends, but I need at least an hour to myself every single day without talking to anyone. I get this time once I'm back home from work and just before the husband returns. During this time, I usually read. Reading with a cup of tea in my hand relaxes me and sets my mind free. It gives me so much peace that I cannot put it into words. If I'm not reading, I'd do something creative. I either draw/sketch something, or design/stitch something. Depend...