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Showing posts from July, 2013

Turn The Mirror Around

O Ri Chiraiya Nanhi si chidiya Angnaa mein phir aaja re So how many of us remember these lyrics till date? Well, I do. How many of us recall the very first episode of Aamir Khan's brainchild, ' Satyamev Jayate '? I do. And I shall do for the rest of my life. Because it is difficult to forget the things that come back to haunt you.  When I got married four months back, a lot of people blessed me. Most of those blessings were in Sanskrit, which when translated means this 'May you be the mother of a hundred sons". I just smiled and nodded. Its 2013 and the fact that people still believe that sons are more precious than daughters came as a rude shock to me. When I first heard of the word 'gendercide' or 'genocide', I was blinking. Then I too resorted to the information giant Wikipedia for answers. This is what Wiki had to say. " By analogy, gendercide would be the deliberate extermination of persons of a particular sex (or gen...

The Losing Battle

Tring-tring the phone rang. Reema was busy in the kitchen. She came running wiping her wet hands on her kurta haphazardly. She was expecting this call. " Hello? " She said. " Ya Reema..... " Her husband Vivek said slowly. " So? " Reema held the phone tight. " The doctor just confirmed it. " Vivek said. " Okay... " Her voice trailed off. " I'm coming home. Lets talk then. Bye ." Vivek hung up. " Bye ." She placed the receiver down slowly in its place. She walked back towards the kitchen and continued doing the dishes. A tear fell from her eye into the wet basin. The cancer was back. And this time it was in the last stage. She had fought a hard battle four years ago. But this time she knew she had already lost it. This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend , an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda. ~ Soumya

Life - The Best Teacher

They say that time is the best healer and life is the best teacher. Couldn't be more right. I believe the journey of life is a long learning process and you get to learn something or the other every day from a friend or from a stranger. I cannot point out one single instance that has taught me something. A lot of learnings have been put together to form the person that I am today. I've always believed in one thing. If it doesn't succeed, it doesn't mean that its a loss. Its a lesson. A compilation of these lessons is what forms your life. How long you want to stay on a page, is an individual choice altogether. Below are a few instances that taught me the most important chapters of life. ~ When you are young, you always crib about the meager pocket money you receive. Like any normal kid I did too. I was from a middle class family and I always hated the fact that my parents hardly had any money to spare. I always wondered as to why my parents earned so less. Mock...

And I Blushed

Just because I do not react, does not meet I don't care. Just because I don't squeal with excitement, doesn't mean I do not like it. Just because I do not cry over something, does not mean that it does not affect me. Just because I don't talk about it, doesn't mean I have forgotten it. Just because I stay quiet, doesn't mean I'm upset about something. Just because I smile at you, doesn't mean I'm interested in you. Just because I don't dress up in lace and frills, doesn't mean that I'm not a girl. Just because I don't turn pink when you talk, doesn't mean that I don't love you.  Well I'm a weird sorta girl. You have guessed that by now right? When he asked me out for the first time, I said yes and smiled. When he told me that he loved me, I hugged him and told him that I loved him too. When he kissed me for the first time, I kissed him back with true madness. When he got down on one knee and asked me to marry...

My Perfect Love Trip

When my mother-in-law informed me that my courier had arrived I had no recollection of what I had ordered. The package sat snugly on the TV stand and I looked at it curiously. I walked closer and then it hit me. I did not have to open the package to know what it was. The package was emitting a beautiful citrus smell and soon the room was filled with it. The Ambi Pur sample that I had ordered on Indiblogger  had finally arrived. I thought my order might somewhere get lost amongst the thousand people vying for a free sample. But hats off to Ambi Pur and Indiblogger for their efficiency. The package was neat and elegant and the sample smelt like a slice of heaven. The orange color was pleasing to the eye too. So I immediately went to our car and pulled out the almost empty  Ambi Pur (Oh yeah, we are Ambi Pur loyalists) and plugged in the new one. I was used to the same old lavender smell, but the light citrus one was fresh and bursting with energy. All I wanted to do w...

Lover vs Soul-Mate

Those butterflies and saxophones That long, lust filled dramatic gaze Is that what makes a lover? Or the feeling just remains lost in the maze How do you define a lover? Slitting wrists or writing a verse Or is he someone who comes along And drives you away from a cynical curse Is there ever a difference Between a soul mate and a lover This is how I make sense of it Lover is a bud and soul mate the flower A lover is the volatile start He teases you with a promise While a soul mate is the happy end He seals the vow with a kiss If a lover gives you the heavy blush A soul mate offers you a forever smile You will travel miles for the lover But a soul mate walks with you all the while A lover brings out the poet in you He makes you write for him A soul mate brings out everything else And you want to write till the brim A lover fascinates to the core Its passion embedded in lust A soul mate charges up the emotions Wi...

#40, Coco's

Aman and Arjun were seated at their favorite seat, facing the pool at Coco 's. Everyday they met here, to spend time together over drinks and dinner. And this tradition had not been broken since the past two years. #40, Coco 's was the city's most popular diner. Both in their mid twenties, Aman and Arjun were friends since childhood. Their fathers were business partners and both of them came from affluent families. They sat talking and laughing, sipping their beers much oblivious to the preening eyes of Aman's mother from outside. Aman Shroff was the son of Dev and Mallika Shroff, owners of 'Design' the popular fashion chain. They were a page-3 regular and Mallika protected her family like a fierce Lioness. She knew the right places to be seen at, the right clothes to be seen in and the perfect angle to be photographed at. Aman, their only son was a paparazzi favorite. With supermodel looks he always had women swooning over him and he was linked to some...

When you say nothing at all

The first thing I saw were your eyes They were cold and filled with pain Something about them soothed my soul Like a parched desert drenched with rain From a stranger you became a friend Sharing with me your fancies and fears I could see and feel myself in you As I longed to wipe away your tears Lost you had, your loved one The void never seemed to fill I did not want to replace her But fall in love I did still I should have held myself back I was not allowed to love I was only a short time guest Soon I had to return above But the love and courage in your eyes Seemed to fill the hole in my heart I felt healthy and filled with life As you were filling up my joy cart You wanted us to last forever In my love you were thriving How could I tell you the truth? That day by day I was dying I did not want to cause you more hurt I wanted you to embrace life You deserved to be loved and happy Somewhere deep burying the strife...

The Honest Post - Phase 4

Read Phase-1 here / Read Phase-2 here / Read Phase-3 here After realizing that it had begun, Cal asked me the question, " Will you marry me? " I use the word 'asked' instead of 'popped' because I knew it was coming. Someday sooner or later. And if you guys think that I said "Yes" immediately and we lived happily ever after, think again. This is way far from that. Me being a commitment phobe was skeptical about getting into a relationship and the fact that I was only 25 then did not help either. I was dealing with a lot of turmoil myself and did not want to involve someone else in my already fucked up life. You see, I did love him. That's why I wanted to keep him away until I sorted my life. I did not want to see him hurt, at any cost. I asked for time and he patiently agreed to give me all the time in the world. We continued meeting everyday and he did not pester or force me to give him an answer. We just remained the way we were ...

Building a Smarter Planet

I completed five years of my corporate life with my first company on the 27th of June. And I was rewarded very well. The feeling of being appreciated is quite something altogether and if it is for something that you put your heart into, then it is an added bonus. I started my corporate life on the 27th of June 2008 as a fresh faced graduate and stepped into the biggest giant of the IT industry. Today whatever I am is because of my tenure here and I'm proud to be associated with this company. I've made some wonderful friends here, some enemies, some ex-boyfriends (yes, I broke the golden rule ' Never date someone at your workplace '), some mentors and some inspirational idols. Some have taught me what I can become and some have shown me what I should not become.  Five years. Zero regrets. Zillion lessons learnt.   Talking about appreciation, two of my articles were published in the Tamarind Rice issue for June. Yes, I have been published three months in a ...