Lying down at 3.30 am today, I cant help but realise that I'm addicted to a hell lot of things. Just cant survive without these silly n not so silly things. So half asleep and eyes half closed I'm putting up this post using my baby... my beloved phone. Things for which I'm hooked to death :- 1. My Love - The most important thing. 2. Chocolates - Preferably dark chocolate. Any shape, size. Just cant live without it. My last wish would be to be buried in a coffin made of chocolate. 3. Coffee - Steaming hot cappuchino, 1 when I wake up, 1 in office after breakfast and 1 at 4, 1 when I get back home after work. The secret for me being an insomniac is revealed :P. 4. My baby no 1, cellphone - Either I'm talking on it or playing a game on it or its just lying quiet in my pocket. It just has to be around me. 5. My baby no 2, laptop with my beloved internet - Posted a blog on this earlier so no more comments :-) 6. Lemon Iced Tea - Barista rocks!! 7. Reading - Books are my best...
Opinion Writer - Saying it the way it is.