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Showing posts from May, 2014

Forever Means Forever

Image:  Copyright - Jennifer Pendergast They walked hand in hand, enjoying the cool summer breeze as they were in this city after a really long time and that too on a special day. Their walking sticks made sharp noises in unison, just like their footsteps as her white hair gently blew over his face. Their faces shone with love and admiration for each other, which froze in a second and they stopped together. In front of them stood a huge mansion, instead of the cathedral where they had got married sixty years ago. Everything around them had changed, apart from their love for each other. This five sentence fiction is written for the topic ' Marriage ' at Lillie McFerrin Writes . This drabble (100 word fiction) is written for Friday Fictioneers, 30th May .


Boring talk Love is lost some where We both drift We both drift Far from each other With eyes closed With eyes closed We choose to ignore Our problems Our problems Not larger than "us" Yet we drift Written for Haiku Horizons : Prompt - Drift .

OCD Alert!

Image Source: Google Ever since I read this post by Keirthana, I have been wanting to write about my fetishes too. I'm a borderline OCD freak and it gets on to my nerves every time things around are not the way I want it to be. Something inside me breaks and I squirm and squirm until I sort it out. A few of them are mentioned below. ~ I have an order in which I open tabs on Chrome. Gmail, LOL, Facebook, Twitter and then google. I'd drag and switch these tabs any number of times in a day without flinching. But the order needs to be the same.  ~ I never open work related sites on Chrome. Internet Explorer only. By chance if it opens by default on Chrome, I copy the link, close the tab and paste it in IE. ~ I always plug in the laptop charger. Even if the charge is full. I somehow cannot work without the charging symbol. ~ I never let my phone battery die or go below 50 percent. As and when I can, I charge my phone.  ~ I always do my eyes in a particu...

My Husband #MyRoleModel

Selfie with #MyRoleModel A role model is more than an inspiration Its takes a lot to be an idol to me Being a borderline feminist There was only one deserving man I could see He is the strongest person that I know Living life by his own opinions and rules He is the best judge of people around Knows the difference between innocence and fools Never to lie or sugar coat words He is as honest as anyone can be Intelligent in every sense of the world To every verbal lock he has the key He went on to follow his dreams Without bothering about what others spoke He came out with bright flying colors Not letting his passions go up in smoke He took risks, while people laughed behind him Slogged day and night to get to where he is Fingers were pointed one too many Believing in himself, he gave them all a miss Another one! What he did, he did it for himself Not to prove a point to any body Having reached the peak of his field He sti...

Celebrating Womanhood with #DovePlay

Image Source: Indiblogger On a random day, as usual I was late for work and my phone kept ringing as I was rushing to get ready. I decided to ignore it first, but then the ringing did not stop. I hastily picked it up in a hurry deciding to scream out if was a promotion for some bank. It turned out to be Vineet from Indiblogger , asking me to come and attend the # DovePlay Indiblogger meet. You see, I have wanted to attend an Indiblogger meet since the day I joined them. But very few meets happen in Bangalore and I had signed up to assign the Milaap meet held here. But unfortunately, I had a working weekend that week and had to cancel it at the last minute. But this time I knew that there was no way I could attend the meet, as it was to be held in Mumbai. I sadly told Vineet the same thing, but he laughed and told me to still attend it. Before I could voice out my concern, he told me that my flight tickets, meal and stay would be taken care of by the Dove team! I wasn't s...


( Copyright – Erin Leary ) He had stood by my side as an anchor, helping me sail through everything, after I had lost my parents. I knew he loved me, but life had handed me so much bitterness that I was not willing to give in to his love, I was scared, of closeness. I did not say anything, when he decided to leave. I still yearn for his presence at times, but I know there is nothing I can do about it. I stand at this fence every evening, having nothing to offer, yet my eyes crave to catch a glimpse of him someday. This five sentence fiction is written for the topic ' Anchor ' at Lillie McFerrin Writes . This drabble (100 word fiction) is written for Friday Fictioneers, 23th May .

First Date

Edward Hopper, 1922 I remember everything about that day The way you looked lovingly into my eyes Your shiny hair and crisp red tie Oh, you smelt really fresh and nice A vintage restaurant it was You held my hand as we walked into it I was so madly in love with you Our fingers too made the perfect fit We made our way to the side table The one right next to the big pot I hardly could make any conversation My stomach was tied in a big knot You remained your playful self Smiling and appreciating everything I sat in awe looking at you Dreaming about what the future would bring The meal was the best I had till date Your company only made it more better Everything you said touched my heart Like a perfect, dreamy, love letter We walked hand in hand on the streets Apart from you, no one I could see The whole world stood still when Under the moonlight sky you kissed me We knew we were meant to last forever It was love that wa...

Growing Wings To Fly

Image Source: Google Broken yet alive In this heartless world I am Growing wings to fly Growing wings to fly Slowly I shall learn to soar High above the sky High above the sky I shall watch the world beneath Fighting to survive Written for Haiku Horizons : Prompt - Fly .

On A Lazy Day

Image Source: Google A lazy day today has been I am couched up in bed with a book In my pajamas, feeling comfortable Without fussing about how I look Tired, exhausted from all the stress Getting a break from the monotony of work Having an entire day just for myself Is giving my face a happy smirk Life had handed me so many things At times, more than what I could take Yet somehow, I strongly got past it all I did not even crack, let alone break This too shall pass has always been the mantra I now know hope is a beautiful thing Life is a mixture of ups and down Its not always about brightness and bling Image Source: Tumblr As I look out of my bedroom window Pitter patter raindrops falls on the pane I see the trees dancing in the wind Letting loose their green mane The marigolds smile with joy As the roses blush with pride The leaves are enjoying this shower Not shying away like a new bride The sweet smell of the we...

Innocent & Charmed

Image Source: Google How innocent she looked as she slept, her long black hair gracing the pillow effortlessly. Made him feel more guilty, as he thought about his mistress and the times he had spent with her instead of his beautiful wife, who had never complained. That evening, after ending things with his mistress, he came home with a bunch of roses and a basket of blueberry muffins, his wife's favorite. Instead of her, he saw a note on the bed, written in his wife's handwriting that she is leaving him for another man. He wished he knew then, what he knew now. This five sentence fiction is written for the topic ' Innocence ' at Lillie McFerrin Writes . This drabble (100 word fiction) is written for Write Tribe: 100 words on a Saturday .

Book Review: Sita's Curse

Title: Sita's Curse Author: Shreemoyee Piu Kundu Publisher: Hachette India Genre: Erotica/ Fiction Price: Rs 350 Pages: 332 Spoiler Alert! " Somewhere, behind closed doors in her solitary world; Somewhere, under the sheets with an indifferent lover; Somewhere, is a woman who will not be denied ..." Sita's Curse is the story of a girl named Meera and traces the journey of her life from childhood to adulthood. Born to her parents, after three miscarriages, she did not come into the world alone. Kartik, her twin brother is her soul mate, in every other term that we will find out later. Married at the age of nineteen to a man twelve years older than her, the need for her sexual fulfillment forms the story. Meera is clearly the heroine here, even if there is a chapter by that name dedicated solely to her in the book.  The prologue starts of with a masturbation scene, where in Meera is lying on her bed enjoying her pleasures as her husband and his...


White, wheatish, brown or black People are not defined by their shade Colors are meant to be in the rainbow The only place where they don't fade I was not born white or fair Condolences were muttered in silence Being a kid, I wondered why it mattered For me, none of it made any sense People laughed and snickered Comparing their skin against mine I laughed back too at their vanity With my honey almond skin, I was fine The fair ones failed relying on their beauty Couldn't even secure a decent job I have excelled in every field Unlike the mirror kissing snob I am independent and follow my dreams Others are busy getting bleaches done I'm a writer, dancer and painter today Without bothering about the rays of the sun My dusky fingers can do magic Not once has it held me back I would have been the same person Even if I had been white or black It has got nothing to do with the tone What matters is, in life how you ...

Holy Grail

I wrote a lot of posts in April for the A to Z challenge. People accepted and appreciated all my posts and I felt wonderful. However, what baffles me is that of all the posts that I wrote in the last month the most popular has been the ' V-Virginity ' one. It has had the highest number of page views, since I wrote it, around twenty days ago. The best part is, I wrote a lot of posts after and before it, but none got as popular as this one. I am even scared to think of what was the search term some people used to get to this post of mine. Since majority of my audience are from India, I am not surprised that this post got the maximum number of hits. I did not even make a big fuss of it until Cal pointed it out to me one day. Yeah, the holy grail had won over the audience. Nonsense . If you live in Bangalore and subscribe to Bangalore Mirror, you definitely would have noticed a column called 'Sexpert' appearing in this newspaper everyday. More than ninety percent ...


image by Martin Stranka I kept quiet all this while As people made their own judgement I just ignored and moved on Their opinions were not worth a cent People shall talk all the time No matter if you do wrong or right Barking dogs seldom bite, they say Picking my pen, the truth I shall write I was thrown in the boiling waters Squeezed by others for their own gain Sadism is suddenly the new cool Without a care for the hurt and pain Fingers were pointed one too many Yet I stood strong even though alone I would not give up on the truth It is embedded in my flesh and bone Others always come to find the faults Gossip soon takes my own name They think they are playing smart Truth is, I am the master of the game I know who comes in from where I can read their conniving mind I recognize the pattern easily Their foot prints everyday I find I will never give up on my thoughts My floating dream keeps me alive Nobody can steal ...

Guardian Angel

She guarded the closed door like a hawk, fearing that he would come in to harm them because from the day they were born, he hated them, without bothering to look at them even once. She knew it was an unexpected pregnancy, and the twins were least expected, but they were his own blood and flesh and how could he abhor them?  He sat at the other side of the door, tears in his eyes crying for his beloved wife, who now hated and feared the sight of him. She had lost her mind, ever since she suffered from a miscarriage and lost their twins five months ago. Her imaginary world was ruining his real life, but how could he leave her when she needed him the most? This five sentence fiction is written for the topic ' Doors ' at Lillie McFerrin Writes .