Here we go guys. As promised, here is a glimpse of my big day! All dressed up. I couldn't recognize myself. After the garlanding ceremony. Man, those garlands are super heavy :| Cal walks his bride to the swing/oonjal. Oonjal is an Iyer custom where the bride and groom sit on a swing and women walk around warding them from all evil. And he promised to hold my hand for life :) The Iyer bride costume. Another case of non-identification :D His usual self, Cal had to crack jokes just before the moment. The moment. Beautifully captured. Mangalya thantunanena mama jeevana hethunaa Kante badhnaami subhage tvam jeeva saradah satham Burn, evil doers. Burn in hell. Yeah, I'm a drama queen too. Toe Rings. God bless you, dear husband :) The custom where you go see a star called Arundati. All we could see was a mobile signal tower. And a crow. The wedding venue. Cal and I supervised the decoration. After the gr...
Opinion Writer - Saying it the way it is.