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Showing posts from July, 2012

Bed of Roses

Six months may not seem long But our journey of togetherness does Every day has been an adventure You give my life the bubbly buzz We seem to be the topic of discussion of late I don't know if its jealousy or they are happy for us I love the way you taught me to handle it Accepting and ignoring without a fuss It all feels like a beautiful dream I thought commitment was not for me You pulled me right out of the phobia You showed me the amazing beauty of 'we' The passion that I see in your eyes Keeps the madness in me going You are my strength and my oar for life With which we shall keep our love boat rowing We did come together just by chance But it all seems so perfect now God might not have always been kind to me But for this, in front of God I shall always bow You are my teacher when I'm ignorant When I'm angry you are my punching bag You turn into a cuddly bear when I'm upset Talking softly to me,...

By Invitation Only

I'm an extrovert alright, but still I speak only when I have something to say. Not because I just have to say something. You see, there is a difference here. A difference which a very few get. They say that a person who doesn't know anything always knows it the loudest. This is true. Very true. But only a very few get the sarcasm behind it. And nothing is more annoying than unappreciated sarcasm.  I'm not the one to rant unnecessarily. How many times have you seen me rant here? Once, twice maybe. Let me tell you how the freedom of expression works. It is based on invitation. Like putting up something on Facebook. Be it a controversial status or a 'sexy to you but vulgar to me' picture. Either ways, you are inviting opinions. Deal with it. A few weeks back I put up a picture of mine with my hair tied up and my kohl lined eyes covered with my Ray-Ban. The picture was modified with a Blackberry app and the bizarre color effects around it made me look like a ...