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Showing posts from December, 2015

Action Replay - 2015

Image Source Warning: Long post ahead. December was a pretty peaceful month for me. Work was stressful as usual, but it kept me busy and I was happy. The big change that happened this month was Cal shifting his job. How does that impact me? Well, earlier he worked close by and he would pick me up on the way back from work and we would spend the entire evening together. But now since he has to travel quite a bit, I go home early after work. This leaves me with a good amount of me time. Thanks to which, I managed to read around four books this month. Yes, I finally completed ' The Palace Of Illusions ' and I loved it to the core. Having time for myself means I end up baking often or doing something creative. Cal asked me to start sketching again and I did. It gives me immense peace to doodle on plain sheets. The last I drew something was in school and except a doodle framework that I created two years ago, I was starting from scratch again. It felt nice and peaceful. So...

Monday Musings #6

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Shining Bright

Image Source There is something about this thing called love It hits you hard and sweeps you off your feet It opens up doors you did not know existed And makes a rhythm of your heart beat Falling in love is not important What matters is staying in love It doesn't matter how many years pass by What was there then, should be there now Some people say that it all dies down After a few years there will be no romance Many of them are firm believers of this And yet some one of them leave it to chance My love story started years ago And it has remained the same till date Everyday I fall in love a million times With my friend, my lover and my soul mate Every morning I wake up with a kiss When he leaves to work there is another Romance lasts throughout the day for us Every night we snuggle against each other It is not something we consciously plan It all comes naturally to us Love remains the base of our relationship Nothing co...

Book Review: The Rise Of Hastinapur

Image Source Title: The Rise Of Hastinapur Author: Sharath Komarraju Publisher: Harper Collins Genre: Mythology Price: Rs. 299 on Amazon Pages: 354 This is the first time I'm writing two consecutive book reviews on my blog, that too of both Indian authors. I was reading ' The Palace Of Illusions ' since forever and once I completed it, I fell in love with it. Mythology has always intrigued me and I find it fascinating to read tales that have so much to say. When I read ' The Winds Of Hastinapur ' last June, I fell in love with it. Mahabharata from the point of view of a woman is always an interesting read, especially since the epic has always side lined the women. While the first part spoke about Ganga and Satyavati, this one talks about the three queens: Amba, Pritha aka Kunti and Gandhari. While reading ' The Palace Of Illusions ', I could relate to ' The Winds Of Hastinapur ' especially when Bhishma was involved. Now, as I read ...

Book Review: The Bestseller She Wrote

Image Source Title: The Bestseller She Wrote Author: Ravi Subramanian Publisher: Westland Ltd Genre: Fiction/Drama Price: Rs. 295 on Flipkart. Pages: 391 I have heard a lot about Ravi Subramanian and the banker type of books he writes. I have only read his ' God Is A Gamer ' before and found it to be an okay book. This is the first time that he has written a book on romance and I wanted to see how a banker interprets love and its varied shades. After reading a few mediocre books by Indian authors that made it up the charts, I thought the market for Indian authors is doomed. But the title of this book intrigued me enough to sign up to review it. It was a nightmare to get this book delivered to me. The courier guy screwed it up so bad that I received the book very late. Maybe that was a sign. A sign that I couldn't decipher then. The book did finally come to me on an afternoon and by night I was done with it. Yes, I finished the book in one sitting. And not...

Monday Musings #5

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Red Velvet Memories

PHOTO PROMPT- © Rochelle Wisoff-Fields The red velvet sponge cake was his favorite. We met for the first time at a pâtisserie when both of us reached for the last slice. Since then we have always been together. For twenty years we were married and had a lovely life together. And then she came in and took it all away. He left me for someone else, the day I was preparing this cake for him. Five years have passed and I still look through the kitchen window every time I bake this cake with the hope that the smell of it would bring him back. This drabble (100 word fiction) is written for Friday Fictioneers, 18th December 2015 .

Mornings & Me

Image Source For some strange reason, early mornings and I have never been able to get along. As a child and a student, I used to stay up all night and study instead of waking up early to do so. I used to stay up the entire night, go to school and finish the exam and come home and sleep through the evening. I would wake up at night again and continue to study till the break of day. Holidays meant staying up all night watching movies or playing games and sleeping through the day. Thankfully, my parents did not impose any rules on us regarding a time to wake up and all that. They just let us be and do what we want. Since I was a good student, my studying pattern did not bother them at all. And I was very happy being the night owl instead of the early bird. Who wants to get to the worm when you can prepare pasta at night? When I joined college, the classes started at 7.30 am in the morning. I did not think of it much while joining as I was very focused on securing a free seat for ...

The Ride Called Life

Image Source It is a really funny thing this life Shows you ups downs and flings you to the side But one thing it does guarantee you The beautiful destination is well worth the ride The happiness doesn't last for ever Nor does the period of pain and tears Life will bend you to the extremes Helping you shed your inhibitions and fears Some highs may make you close your eyes And yet your focus you mustn't lose If you are pushed to the ground Staying there or not you must choose This game with cast a dizzy spell on you May make you want to throw up at times But if you make it past all that You will see unicorns and hear joyful chimes The ones on top may look down upon you Do not worry, soon you will get there too Help those going down stay afloat To your conscience you better stay true The wind shall not always work in your favor It shall try to pull away the ground beneath you Others will come in to crowd your space S...

Monday Musings #4

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Image Source Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again Of the stony path way and the pretty garden I dreamt about the time I spent there Memories of which are now a burden I was a stranger in that big mansion Every single article there reeked of you Nobody pointed a hateful finger at me But when I looked into their eyes, I knew An outsider to them I always was An outline of you but poorly sketched I could not break the walls around them In their heart and soul, you were already etched I survived with the hope that you'll be gone one day And that all your things would become mine Your invisible magic worked in such a way That when they did come, they had lost its shine From the housekeeper to the pesky neighbor They tried to find a part of you in me I was simple and nothing like you What I actually am, they did not want to see I did not want to be your second fiddle And yet I was reduced to one I came here with the ma...

What's In A Name

Image Source The biggest irony of my life is my name. Soumya means soft natured and gentle. Yeah yeah I know, even I'm laughing my ass off. I was initially named Deepthi as they wanted my name and that of my sister's to start with the same letter. But then apparently one fine day, my parents decided to change it and look what happened. Although I do not think that a person's name describes his/her personality, at times the thought is amusing. There are so many people who are just not like their name at all. There are some really funny instances as well. There is a girl I know who cannot concentrate on anything and is called Shraddha. Another atheist friend is called Shiva. The guy who is always ass licking and following his mentor is called Guru. You get the drift, right? I had barely interacted with my husband in spite of knowing him for ages until we finally began to meet often and fall in love. I once told him that he has a very funny name and it doesn't suit...

In Your Words - Part 6

Read Part 1  here  / Part 2  here  / Part 3  here / Part 4  here / Part 5 here . Image Source The loud ring of her phone brought Alisah back to reality. She slowly got up from the swing and checked her phone. It was Neha, her best friend. She answered the phone and spoke to her for a few minutes. She did not mention the topic of Arjun at all, as she did not want to worry her. Neha has been her friend since her school days and was against her decision of marrying Arjun. But later on she accepted Alisah's choice as long as it made her happy. Neha had stood like a rock by Alisah's side while her marriage was falling apart. Knowing that Arjun was back in her life would hurt Neha and this clearly was not the time to tell her anything as she was heavily pregnant and was due to give birth in a few weeks. After enquiring about her health and promising her to look at the baby names that she had emailed, Alisah hung up. She looked at the clock. It was 10.3...

Monday Musings #3

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The Secret Door

PHOTO PROMPT © Roger Bultot I had shut it tight and never gone back to it again. After all the pain and misery that I had gone through, I could not bring myself to trust another woman. I locked my heart in a box and kept it away from the world. Being cynical was not the answer I knew, but my wounds were too deep to ever heal. Then one fine day, she came in like a breath of fresh air. Her laugh brought out a different me and I never realized when she dug a pathway and found a secret door to my heart. This drabble (100 word fiction) is written for Friday Fictioneers, 4th December 2015 .

Movie Review: Tamasha

Image Source Cast: Ranbir Kapoor, Deepika Padukone Direction: Imtiaz Ali Genre: Drama/Romance Duration: 2 hours 35 minutes When Imtiaz Ali makes a movie, you know that you have to watch it. But thanks to the previous outings of Ranbir Kapoor, I was a bit skeptical about watching this one. But Deepika looked so gorgeous in the promos and the first theatrical trailer looked promising as well. But I waited for a few reviews before I could book tickets to this one. Most of the reviews cited the same; not the conventional love story. And I being a sucker for unconventional stories, decided to watch it. Tickets were easily available and we found ourselves walking into the theatre on Sunday evening. The movie starts on a stage with a robot with a heart and a clown. Then it moves to the flashback where a young Ranbir is seen spending all his time and pocket money listening to a story teller tell tales about Ramayana. The young lad hates studying and is very happy in his own wo...

Action Replay - November 2015

Image Source Finally it's here, December. I still remember the hangover I had during the new year celebrations and here I am all set to welcome another year. Is it just me or did 2015 fly by really quick? The year did whizz by, but November was one of the slowest months of my life. Boring is the word that comes to my mind if I have to describe November. Atleast the first half of it for sure. The work for December was all done and I decided to take a break. Worst decision of my life ever. It was a nightmare for me to stay at home and do nothing. Since I've already spoken about it here , I won't delve into it again. Once my break ended and I got back to work, I felt energised again. Being busy is my fuel and I can go on and on. Once that happened, November slowly picked up for me. The month saw me attending my first ever Zomato meet and what fun it was! Meeting a lot of fellow foodies and talking about food always has a charm to it. Food is a topic that can never go o...

I, Foodie

Joachim Buecklaer, 1560 Nothing gives me more happiness Like the way some good food does I love eating and talking about it As well as cooking without a fuss Food to me is a sacred art Everything about it is so nice I create master pieces everyday Some with sugar, some with spice I love the various food groups But I lean more towards meat A big juicy steak is all that I need With all the sizzle and that heat Cooking to me is a stress buster I'm wondering what to create today Do I use the skinned rabbit Or shall I let the duck have a say The apples look so fresh and crunchy With the cabbage, they shall make a great slaw Maybe I can pickle the carrots as well It's so simple, there can't be a flaw I'll make a dessert out of the plums Served with some custard and cream Or should I just make a crumble of berries The dish that always appears in my dream The grapes look so ripe and tempting I'll just mun...