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Showing posts from August, 2010


There are two kinds of people in the world. One, the ones who bear pain. Two, the ones who inflict pain. Everyone likes to feel powerful. It kind of builds up an individual's personality. For a person to feel confident and secure, they need to exercise control on something or the other. It can be on themself or on something helpless. The gratification one derives from knowing that they have some kind of stupid, negligible power is enough to build up some amount of confidence in them. The positive gratification is good and is very common. Knowing that you have control on your life, is an awesome feeling. Knowing that you mean at least something to some people is an accomplishment in itself. But trying to derive pleasure by forcing your power on something helpless is plainly sad. Its a psychological disorder. But the worse part is this disorder called sadism is present in every one of us. You just need to learn to suppress it. Else it spews out in all possible ways making life very u...

Make sure its worth it

You do all you can, Just to get it right; Knowing well that it could go wrong, But still cant imagine that sight. There always is a slight hope, Expecting things to come your way; But the fear always holds on, What will happen no one can say. They say be very careful, When you set your heart on something; Cos you surely will get it, Make sure it is your everything. Its always good to be positive, But its necessary to see the truth; You just need to know that, Not everything comes with ruth. Desires are dangerous, Can make you lose your mind; They can completely take over you, And envelop you like a rind. Its not gonna be an endless wait, You can get there bit by bit; You just need to make sure, It definitely was worth it.


"When your happiness depends on what somebody else does, you're pretty much screwed". I read this line a really long time ago, but it comes to the surface now. You feel so powerless when you watch your life taking drastic turns and you can't do anything about. You just have to sit back and watch other people make decisions for you. That's the most pathetic feeling in the world. But why do you do it? Because its hard to not "not do" it. Its really heart wrenching when what somebody else does somewhere, can influence what you do here. Its madness. It makes one weak. Its craziness. Its love. Its painful. It drains you out. But still you are perfectly willing to just sit back and watch things happen to you. Its easy to stand quietly and watch yourself burn, rather than to see them cry. Then it seems easy to smile, even though you know you are living a lie. This is something that lasts forever. Like some bad segments of your DNA. It just grows within you, and...

Without Love

Not everyone is so lucky, To be in love for ever and ever; Things are gonna last for you, Only if you are absolutely clever. Love sure is an awesome feeling, Makes you want to live each day; It shows you magic and casts spells, Gets you past even when things don't go your way. It brings on joy and the smiles, It makes you laugh till you cry; But when the cry takes over the laugh, That's when your life is put to try. Not everyone survives the test of time, Some make it and some simply lose; How you're gonna handle both, Is something that you need to choose. Its not easy even when love lasts, Its is a kind of a healthy chore; You do have support to work on it, But you don't have to keep the score. Love should be a part of life, The part should not take over everything; If you let that happen, Then you sure are gonna be left with nothing. Love can show you new highs, But sometimes can make you want to throw a fit; One thing is for sure that no matter what, Its impossible t...

Fight it out

Life's hard yeah. But whats the point in complaining. I mean like how long do you have to live to figure that out. Like anyone would be totally happy if everything went as they wanted. I'm tired of listening to people around saying "Life sucks", "Damn it, Life's screwed", "Oh boy, Life's hard". Its not like I'm leading a perfection personified life out here. I can think of umpteen instances where I myself have used the mentioned phrases. Took me a while, but I did realise that there is no point complaining or arguing. You just need to accept things that you cant avoid. So what now if life's hard? Tell me, compared to what? If life sucks, compared to what? Death? What other form of living are we aware of anyway. I've lived through days, months and years of complaining about my life. Blamed everyone possible, screamed out to God and what not. But what happened? Nothing. Now when I look back I feel like ROFL'ing. Stupid, naive,...


This is a song by INXS. A few years ago it was just a pass by song, but now I'm totally in love with it! Here I am, Lost in the light of the moon, That comes through my window; Bathed in blue, The walls of my memory divides, The thorns from the roses, It's you and the roses; Touch me and I will follow, In your afterglow, Heal me from all this sorrow, As I let you go, I will find my way, When I see your eyes, Now I'm living, In your afterglow. Here I am, Lost in the ashes of time, But who wants tomorrow, In between, Longing to hold you again, I'm caught in your shadow. I'm losing control. My mind drifts away, We only have today; Touch me and I will follow, In your afterglow. Heal me from all this sorrow, As I let you go. I will find my way, I will sacrifice, Till the blinding day, When I see your eyes. Bathed in blue, The walls of my memory divides, The thorns from the roses. It's you who is closest. Now I'm living, In your afterglow. When the veils are gone,...

Sands of Time

Lost in the light of the moon, I ponder over the course of my life; At times it was all clear and smooth, And at times I had to put up a strife. I've lived in harmony and peace, Not bothering to live the longest; Of all the senses known to me, Memory still remains the strongest. I have never loved anyone, So that I could be loved back; I loved because I wanted to love, Not to fill in something I lack. Time heals no wounds, It only helps it fade; It also brings into the surface, Things you're trying to evade. Try to bring a smile on someone, Give in all that you can and should; And when you don't expect anything, You will be rewarded in good. Life is meant to be lived, In summer, winter, spring or rain; It is a tough learning process, And it doesn't come without the pain. The day I've lived enough, I'll quietly go without a chime; Leaving behind my footprints, On the sands of time.

The Shoe Box

A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about. For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover. In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the shoe box and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box. When he opened it, he found two knitted dolls and a stack of money totaling $95,000. He asked her about the contents. 'When we were to be married,' she said, 'my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and knit a doll.' The little old man was ...


Dark Chocolate Cappuccino from Barista Rahul Bose's crooked smile Adithya Bal cooking Vanilla Twilight Moonlight walk on my terrace His smile Long talks with my best friend Fresh purple and blue orchids Roast Chicken Sub Tequila Sunrise My black shoes Surprises His smell Taylor Lautner's eyes Jacob Black Black Stereo Love Surya Namaskar Perfectly fit dark blue denims Inferno His voice Plain white shirt Mom's hug Jeffery Archer books Zero defects Garfield Shining black hair His touch Ah, sheer pleasure!

People and Opinions

There is nothing like a good or bad person. People are just people. They are what they are and you just have to figure out a way to get along with them. Why they are the way they are, is something you need to find out if they mean something to you, else it better be left unsaid. No person is the same from birth to death. People change with age, responsibilities and more often than not, situations. Here, its each one to his/her own. One changes only if he/she wants to. You cannot try to change anyone. If you still are keen, well then good luck with it! Like my friend says, every person is born the same way and is given the same resources. The way they use the resources is what makes them different. Or in my case, weird. Period. Opinions are something common to every single being. Everyone has one about everything/everyone around. Let it be. No point in losing your sleep over someone's opinion. My best friends and I always have a difference of opinion. Still that doesn't stop us ...

Beautiful Lie

Trying to be the iron maiden, Not letting things to matter; But when even a tiny scratch occurs, Everything comes down in a shatter. I always thought that patience was the key, I hoped happiness would someday knock; But now that I have the key, I can't seem to find the lock. I refused to accept the obvious, Have been hiding under a husk; Before I make it to the dawn, I seem to come across the dusk. Its like I've been forced to grow up, Soaking in the things I've been inflicted upon; When the heart break and pain is over, The innocence is usually gone. Can't figure out whats happening and why, It just seems like a tragic game; But the worse thing is, I don't know whom to blame. I close my eyes and try to forget the agony, Try to think of all good things to come by; But when I wake up and see the truth, Life just seems like a beautiful lie.

The Down of Up

Every up always has a down side. Why am I the lucky one who gets to learn such things the hardest way possible. Or is it just that you can only learn things the hard way? Whatever it is, I get to learn something new every time. But to get there, the pain and angst you need to go through is like a short trip down hell. Is it worth it? I'm not too sure. I've changed yes. But it was a conscious decision as I wanted to better myself and not repeat the mistakes I've done in the past two years. The biggest turn off about me was my temper. My anger has driven me to do things that has turned my life upside down in the past. Obviously not in a good way. I'm a very impulsive person. But that mixed with a flaring temper is not one of the best combos. You're hurt, want to get back at someone, the anger builds up, you want to see the other person hurt, anger builds up more, you end up doing something totally illogical and irrational, the plan works, the other person is hurt beyo...

Never Look Back

Letting go of the familiar, Has and will never be easy; Never let anyone occupy space in your head, When all you're getting back is something measly. If something hurt you back then, But can make you happy now; Why hold yourself back, Why make it a thing you lack? Now nothing can be done, About the wrongs of the past; Why dig up a dead horse? Why carry it till you last? Its the present that matters, Not whats happened or what will; Strive to make today worth living, Else everything will simply stand still. If you're confused, Its better to just not think; Better to not to do anything, Rather than do something stupid. At times ignorance sure is bliss, Its always better to not know a few things; Cos once if that's etched in your mind, The thought of it forever clings. Its either here or there, Its all about white or black; No matter how good or bad, Its always better to never look back.

Butterfly Wings

Life seems so bright, Like being lit by a million fireflies; There is light everywhere, I can just stand and in awe stare. Dreams coming all the way true, I feel like its something new; All around are colourful things, Like a pair of butterfly wings. As I awake from the warm cocoon, Something pleasant awaits me; The thought itself is so amusing, I just cant wait to see. The cool winter breeze, Sweeps me of my feet; Its only mesmerising, And the feeling is so neat. Now happiness seems to distract me, I want to soak in the view; Finally I get to feel this way, Its been since long due. I feel like I'm floating, Lost in a state of trance; Its completely enveloped me, I want to jump up and prance. Joy and peace are no longer just words, Happiness now sure is mine; With my head held up high, I feel like I'm on cloud nine.


I, -- want to be happy. -- wants others to be happy too. -- want to break free. -- want to hold on. -- want to search my soul. -- doubt if I ever have a soul. -- am a hopeless romantic. -- hate conventional love stories. -- think I'm a good person. -- know that there is something wrong with me. -- want to fall in love again. -- don't want to give myself a chance to love again. -- am a self obsessed freak. -- care for someone more than I care about myself. -- love to spend time with my friends. -- also know of friends who hate me secretly. -- can never compliment a girl on face value. -- know that there are many girls out there who are much much better than me in all ways. -- love to pen poetry. -- hate the fact that my niche is poetry. -- can never judge people right. -- always form an opinion but never judge. -- can never blush or act coy. -- secretly smile when someone makes me feel good. -- am a very simple person to understand. -- also lead one hell of a complicated life. -...


Last years friendship day had me writing a big list with me thanking all the people whom I thought were my friends. This year I'm tempted to change the norm. I'm gonna be completely honest and only mention the 7 most important people whom I genuinely care about. These are the people whom I love and who I know will stand by me forever. They are used to my madness, they know all the pranks I have up my sleeve and they know each and every reaction of mine. In short these are the only ones who know, why I am the way I am and love me inspite of me being me! That takes a lot of guts guys, Thanks! Since I'm reducing the population of my life to about 2% I'd rather not mention names here. I wouldn't want to be mauled or haunted you see. So here we go, Happy Friendship Day to the most important people in my life. 1. This person, for keeping me sane and insane. For being my strength and weakness. And most importantly, for being the person who taught me how to love. 2. This pe...