There are two kinds of people in the world. One, the ones who bear pain. Two, the ones who inflict pain. Everyone likes to feel powerful. It kind of builds up an individual's personality. For a person to feel confident and secure, they need to exercise control on something or the other. It can be on themself or on something helpless. The gratification one derives from knowing that they have some kind of stupid, negligible power is enough to build up some amount of confidence in them. The positive gratification is good and is very common. Knowing that you have control on your life, is an awesome feeling. Knowing that you mean at least something to some people is an accomplishment in itself. But trying to derive pleasure by forcing your power on something helpless is plainly sad. Its a psychological disorder. But the worse part is this disorder called sadism is present in every one of us. You just need to learn to suppress it. Else it spews out in all possible ways making life very u...
Opinion Writer - Saying it the way it is.