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Showing posts from June, 2017

Why Every Creative Woman Needs A Journal

Let's face it, a woman's life is never easy. We always have to work twice as hard to prove ourselves to others. Being a career woman myself, I make sure I give equal importance to my house and to my interests as well. Sometimes, I feel that the twenty odd hours in the day are really scanty. I need at least forty five hours a day to be able to do the things that I want to. I recently read about a concept called 'mental load'. This is the load we women carry with us throughout the day. The thought of what to cook for dinner, while attending a meeting at work. The random business idea that pops up in the mind while cooking dinner. The silent reminder to pick up the dry cleaning. The omnipresent grocery list. The urgency to reach the market before the fresh vegetable stock depletes. This list can go on and on. Although we do not talk much about it, the mental load remains firmly rooted. No amount of planning eases it. No matter how much you try, something or the other g...

The 'Anything But Books' Tag

Image Source I was tagged by Shantala to take up the ' Anything But Books ' tag. The tag is to answer the below questions and none of the answers have to involve books. Initially, I thought this would be impossible for me, since I have become a voracious reader these days (mostly in a desperate attempt to finish the fifth Harry Potter book and move on to other books, I'm done with 600 pages: 200 more to go), but I do enjoy a challenge no matter how hard it is. Also, it has been a long time since I did a personal post on the blog so maybe this can double up as that too. So, if you didn't know me already, get ready to learn some of my quirks. Here we go!


Image Source I'm not trying to be a tease Maybe I'm a reminder in some way I'm something you can never have Even though you dream of me night and day I'll intoxicate you every second In your hands, I slowly burn I'll toss and lie by your side But I'll be gone when you turn Seduction is an art they say I'll tempt you into temptation We'll ride the passion wagon together I'll disappear when we get to the station

Silver Moon

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson "What do you say?" Rohan asks again, kneeling down. "I'm not sure. Maybe it is too soon." "Come on, Tia. We are perfect for each other." "We are so different from each other! It's like the sun and the moon." "Yes, I am the sun who blazes bright. I can get harsh and hurt sometimes. But you are my silver moon. As bright as me, but your light never hurts. I need you to complete me."

Of Love & Togetherness

Image Source Love is a wonderful feeling, isn't it? That rush of emotions, those fluttering butterflies and the sprinkle of pixie dust, it is miraculous indeed. Love makes you crazy and it makes you do crazy things. Like sit up all night and chat with your lover, or pick up new habits that your lover likes and so on. I do believe that love happens more than once, but when the right person comes along that kinda love stays. Forever. It is not easy to remain in love forever. When the rush of feelings subside and the butterflies decide to rest for a while, reality strikes and you realize that holding on to a relationship is much more than fluff. It takes a lot of hard work, patience, mutual respect and trust to keep a relationship going. And time. It is very important to focus on spending a lot of time together. A lot, but not all the time. One of the most common misconceptions in a relationship is that everything needs to be done together. That is not called togetherness, it ...

Back To You

image by Sarolta Ban I still remember that phone call The day when my life stood still Since the day you turned your back The void in my heart no one could fill The pain pierced through me every second I let it kill me day after day I was soon losing my senses For the heart, the mind did pay Year after year, I shed a tear I tried hard but couldn't let go The more I tried to lock you out The memories only continued to grow

Book Review: Paths Of Glory

Image Source Title: Paths Of Glory Author: Jeffrey Archer Publisher: Pan Macmillan; Reprints edition (18 September 2009) Genre: Fiction/Thriller Price: Rs. 307 on Amazon Pages: 416 I'd read anything by Archer without thinking twice. This book was something that I picked up years ago and forgot about. Last month, I sat down to read it. At 416 pages, this is quite a long book. Even the font was quite small and I thought that it would take me at least a month to finish this book. Surprisingly, I finished it in less than five days. This story is supposedly based on true events and the events that sum up the entire novel is quite something altogether.

Action Replay: May 2017

Image Source We are almost half done with 2017, eh? Wow! 2017 did not start really well for me, but May 2017 more than made up for it. May 2017 has been one of the best months of my life and I am not even exaggerating. This is the first month in my life when I focused solely on one thing. Me. I wasn't in the best of space mentally over the past few months. I've been dealing with demons and various other emotions in my head. This took such a toll on me that I decided that I cannot take this anymore. It was affecting every area of my life and I was losing grip over everything around. One of the most toughest phases of my life. Early May, I decided that I need to make peace with the demons in my head and try to get better. I am feeling totally fine now, but the journey wasn't easy. It happened in steps and I took a conscious decision to give it all I have. The first step was acceptance. I accepted that I was going through something and I needed to get out of it. Initia...