How do we bond with people? How do you check if the frequencies match? What is compatibility? In simple words, what can you talk about to connect with someone. I can connect with someone with any one of the following. 1. Misery. You're going through the same hell as I am, and can understand how I feel, you have all chances of being my next BFF. 2. Books. Nothing like discussing the writing of your favourite authors. 3. Food. This is the one bond I crave for the most. I'm a foodie and I love to talk about food. I'm also known to dissect the food and butt in with my not so wanted opinion. 4. Fashion. Latest trends, colours, fittings, products etc etc. 5. Music. Discuss different genres and give an honest opinion as to what you think. If you can sing or play an instrument, thumbs up! 6. Movies. I like off beat movies, so someone with similar tastes comes out golden. 7. Poetry. Hardly found anyone who fancies poetry the way I do. Perfectly rhymed words, sends a chill down my sp...
Opinion Writer - Saying it the way it is.