I was never unfaithful, I never wanted to see you hurt. All I wanted was, For you to realise my worth. How could I rejoice in Seeing you die? Dead I'd rather be Than to see you cry. You're more than a man Your the reason why I live, You're my heart n soul For whom my love I'll give. Its all in your mind That I'm happy with someone else, You don't see my heart bleed, You don't see my craving eyes. I walked away, Cos you dint need me, I never lied to you My truth you couldn't see. I know its too late, To simplify things To understand us better, And our love for each other. I see you hurt, Cant see it anymore, So I've locked my feelings And left it ashore. I just wish you happiness And love for life, Lucky will be the one you love, The one who'll be your wife. I would never give up On something I love, But something which is not mine, No point of having hope. I'm the one, Who is dead inside, Feelings are something Which will never subside. I...
Opinion Writer - Saying it the way it is.