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Showing posts from January, 2014

Action Replay - January

The new year just started and January is over now. Wow, just when I was thinking that it was 2013 that went in a flash. Time is moving so fast and I'm trying my best to travel with it. January has been an interesting month for me. In all ways. Personal and professional and every thing else in between. The most important thing that this month and the new year taught me is understanding people. Various kinds, of which some qualify to be called humans and while some stand far away from that very word. While the whole world was busy talking about AAP and the tragic comedy of RaGa, I was busy observing people and their antics. I've always wanted to pursue a M.A in Psychology. To understand the human mind and why they behave the way they do. Some people are seriously hopeless. And by hopeless, I mean hopeless. The first month of the brand new year gave me a lot. In terms of learning and in terms of inspiration. First, I was hugely praised for my performance at work which gi...

It All Happens For A Reason

I caught him staring at me from the corner of the bar. For the fifth time. I was amused and irritated at the same time. He wouldn't look away even when he met my eye. Instead he smiled. My friends were busy with their gossip and I was dutifully nodding along sipping my Cosmopolitan. The guy was distracting me though. For reasons unknown, my attention kept going back to him twice a minute. This time I observed him clearly. He was tall and well built and I could almost see his abs through his black snug shirt. His denims were patchy and torn at the knee and his shoes shone in the dim light of the setting. His hair was neatly gelled and he had a day old stubble. It somehow gave a chiseled look to his face. His smile revealed a dimple and I found myself smiling back at him. " Anya, what do you say? Do you agree ?" My friend Neeta interrupts my fantastic moment with a stranger. The music suddenly went loud and soon almost everyone gathered on the dance floor. I turn to...


Beautiful face Poisoned heart Sheer waste Pessimistic road Moving ahead Hopeless stride Millions saved Fatal disease Useless penny This Haiku is written for Haiku Heights #319 . Prompt: Useless . ~ Soumya

Sparkling Victory

She was surprised when he welcomed her with a smile. He clearly had forgotten about the argument they had had in the morning, regarding her affair. He asked her to make a cup of tea and she gladly obliged. She turned the gas on and was soon engulfed in flames as he watched her burn from outside with a victorious grin.  It had all started and ended with a spark. This five sentence fiction is written for the topic ' Sparks ' at  Lillie McFerrin Writes . ~ Soumya

Life Line

( Musician in the Rain by Robert Doisneau) They call this the poor man's street Every body here is looking to survive The sun might shine bright or shy away For a simple meal we all have to strive The man behind me paints his pain The lady at the other side begs for alms She sits with tears and a worn out cloak Her wailing son just stretches his palms We all are strangers at this place Even though we have a common goal We might not talk to each other But there is a hole in each of our soul My lone friend here is this cello I call her Jenny, after my wife She left me a long time ago Leaving me with a crumbling life I chose not to give up hope I started a new life with her name I just want to get past each day Because hunger strikes like a burning flame She is my prized possession For her I shall give up myself Her tones earn me a bowl of soup She is my ever helping elf I might survive this cold wet day But I want ...

Online Therapy With

I have always found shopping to be therapeutic. We all do right? But I have a problem. I buy one thing and that is enough therapy for me. I absolutely loathe going to a million shops and looking at million things. Every time I go shopping, I have two things in mind. The budget and the store. I straight go to that particular store, buy it and come back. I do not like walking around streets and peeping into shops looking if there is something that I could buy. The term window shopping does not exist in my dictionary. Also, I hate shopping in malls. I would any day prefer to walk into a stand alone shop and pick up my stuff. A crowd makes me nauseous. And scents trigger migraine for me. So I stay away from crowded places as much as possible. Today, I prefer to shop from the vicinity of my office desk or from home. Online. It is a boon, that I had not realized until now. *hangs head in shame* I started shopping online only after I got married and mostly due to lack of time. I'...

Mistress Of The Night

I blush looking at the mirror. My first thought was to remove the heavy ornaments that adorned the half of me. But I decide to wait for him to remove it instead. I blush again. I have thought about this moment like for ever. And I would do everything I could to make sure it goes perfect. I had the fresh glow and the coyness came naturally to me. I look into the mirror again and smile. The red lipstick skillfully coated on my lips would be smudged soon. As so will the vermilion on my forehead. It would be like a scene out of a daily soap, I think. The thought turns me on. I feel a thrill inside my gut and my breathing gets heavy. I laugh out loud at the anxiety I'm going through. I need to wait for him to arrive, so I save all my feelings for him. After all I had saved myself for him all these years. Just a few minutes to go and I will be completely his. In body. He had earned my soul the minute I had set my eyes on him. I walk towards the door and hear hushed noises. I know a...

Faith & Fear

( La Jument, off the coast of Brittany, photograph by Jean Guichard ) The torrent ahead doesn't scare me I have seen worse and got past it When you hold on to faith and hope Everything diminishes bit by bit The violent waves excite me Reminds me of all my achievements If everything comes easily to us Will we have the same fulfillment? The splashes of water on my face Remind me of the tears and pain The troubles that I have endured Did not let me down or go in vain To be the successful person I am today I have tried and worked very hard I have won some and lost a lot I've healed as well as scarred I still want to remain the humble being I do not want success to envelope me I know that one day it shall all go away A blank page then it shall be This place gives me everything It shows me both faith and fear But it is the silence in the roaring scream That always brings me up here I come here every alternate day ...

Maya - Concluding Part

Read Part-1 here , Part-2 here , Part-3 here Present day - 1.45 pm I almost spill the orange juice on my dress as my mind and body is trying to adjust to the revelation in front of me. I feel a million things going through me. I wanted to walk away, but my legs wouldn't give way. I wanted to yell, but no voice came. I wanted to cry, but tears remained frozen. I wanted to feel angry, but felt emotionless. I slowly placed my glass on the table and stared into nothing. Mom was wiping her tears on the tissue now, leaving trails of kajal on it. “ It is too much to take, I know. Sorry .” She said in between sobs. I look up at her and feel the world spinning. I hold my head right in between my palms and look down. I feel an arm on me soon after. “ Here, have some water .” My mom stood next to me. I gulp down the entire glass and hand it back to her staring coldly into her eyes. “ So, dad is not my father? ” I manage to ask. “ He is your father in every way. He loves ...

Being Bold

Ever since I have started by blog, the word that is most associated with me has been 'Bold'.  I know it is the first word in my description, but that has been from my point of view. I did not know that others also will perceive me to be bold based on what I write only. Maybe they are right, may be not. Even when BlogAdda interviewed me, they asked me that if I had to face any hard situations because I come across as a bold person. I was startled by the question, but I think I replied what I felt then. I still feel the same now too. I am a really simple person. I wouldn't fall into the argument of being an optimist or a pessimist. I am a realist. Call me blunt or practical, but that is who I am and that is why I'm so happy today. I live life on my own terms and face the consequences myself. I am strong enough to do that. If that is called being bold, then so be it. I do not believe in God much, although I know that there is a super power. I do not frequent temp...

The Chosen One

Alia looked at her husband, sleeping peacefully on their bed, and thought of her lover waiting downstairs. She then looked at the framed picture on the wall where her family posed happily around them at their wedding. She put back her luggage in the closet, switched her phone off and tucked herself under the blanket. ~ Soumya

The Promise

We shall pass through a million phases Some might be colorful, others may be blue No matter how tough the times are I promise, I'll be there for you Everything now seems to be fine The old comforts and we welcome the new When new beginnings may not start right I promise, I'll be there for you A lot of things may be thrown at us If situations get difficult to get through My hand will remain entwined in yours I promise, I'll be there for you Some people may not trust you sometimes When fingers are pointed and suspicions brew I shall negate all of them in a blink I promise, I'll be there for you If you are broke and totally clueless If a day comes where you have nothing to do I shall give you all I have I promise, I'll be there for you When your mind is baffled with piercing questions When you have no one to speak to I shall help you break the shackles I promise, I'll be there for you If our kids...

Broken Bubble

" Madam, which one? Red or pink ?" The beauty parlor assistant asked me. " Aren't they both too bright ?" I squirm. " Neon nail polish is the current trend now ." She smiles. I sigh deeply and choose the pink one. I was new to all this. This was the first time I was pampering myself to this extent. I had got a deep scalp massage, a fruit clean-up and a gold facial done. My skin had never felt this supple before as I closed my eyes and leaned back on the most comfortable chair ever. The assistants scrubbed my feet and polished my nails delicately. Two hours later, after procuring a huge dent in my pocket, I walk out feeling completely rejuvenated and awesome . I walk up to my yellow vespa and look at myself in the rear view mirror . I did look nice. I smile and strike a pose for a selfie. It turns out to be real good and I decide to post it on Instagram later. I place my hands carefully on the handle and ride back home. Today was the day. A...

Millennial Party

An Idea! I wake up in the morning to a beep on my phone. Sleepy eyed I look at it and a huge pop-up stares back at my face. " Vote today " it says. I hurriedly rush to the bathroom, quickly finish my routine chores and sit back on my sofa with a cup of coffee in my hand and my phone in the other. I open the app " Indian Elections - 2014 " and go through the candidate list. Each candidate has his background information, educational qualification and almost every detail that Google has about him. All this held within the palm of my hand in a single app. Being a lazy bum, I do not want to travel to a certain location, stand in queue and then cast my vote. Hence, I go to the ' Vote Now ' feature of the app and with the click of a button on my phone, I cast my vote. The minute I cast my vote, the app disables itself. That way it ensures that only one vote per person. The app then is put into use for the next elections. Easy right? Have you all heard o...