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Showing posts from November, 2010

Ramblings of the heart

Too many things going on in my head, I just want to get it out of my system. Else its gonna create a criss-cross in my almost non-existent brain and will not let me sleep today. And I have a really long day tomorrow, so let me as well as get past it. -- I like the taste of neat vodka. Earlier I only liked the high it gave and the taste was tolerable with Sprite, but now I do like its own taste. -- 'Sheela ki jawaani', this song has been on my lips the entire day. Katrina looks oh so hot in it and the lyrics are incredibly catchy. Either that or I have had an overdose of this song at the pajama party with my girls last night. -- Weddings are expensive. And they need not be yours. My cousin brother is getting married in a coupla days and I'm bankrupt. After about half a century of shops and weeks of shopping, I got my perfect saree and jewellery. Phew, weddings are tiresome too. -- I have actually begun to like the colors, yellow and purple. Yes, there is a special reason beh...

No Strings Attached

I close my eyes, I see you I open them, I want to see you I'm madly in love with you No strings attached I like the way you look The sense of your touch I love your smell No strings attached I crave for your voice The warmth of your hand Your lip on mine No strings attached When you sing The world stops for me I want to freeze with you No strings attached I can spend all my life Looking at your face I can lose myself for you No strings attached Love to me means you And so does happiness I'm crazy about you No strings attached The reason for my living Is the smile on your face Your the color in my life No strings attached You seem perfect Just the way you are I can do anything for you No strings attached I want to feel you I want to go mad I want to love you No strings attached I need nothing from you You don't have to love me back That's exactly what I mean by No strings attached


I maybe troubled and messed today But I know I'll be okay tomorrow I can feel the happiness within Deep down till my marrow I know that things didn't work out But I'm proud that I tried I want to erase the short comings And forget the days that I cried I believe I'm a survivor I've got past the worst of pain In my parched barren life I now see droplets of rain There is joy, meaning and color There even seems to be new flavors The thorns which once pierced me Is now giving birth to flowers I can see the onset of something new Its giving me solid reasons to live Love sure is only the beginning From there I have more to achieve The period next to the misery is gone It is now replaced by a comma I'm gonna alter the script of my life And its never gonna be a tragic drama The black and white phase is changing Now there is more purple, blue and yellow Chocolates, coffee, tequila and vodka Intoxicating, making me feel merrily mellow I had to change my point of view To s...

My Better Halves

The Rhapsodic Blabbermouth ---------------------------------------------- She's called Sia. Often recognised by constant hyper jabbering. She loves to talk and at times it feels like that's her only purpose in life. Blah blah blah. But when there are people who listen she doesn't understand why she is termed as talkative. She's feminine when compared to Shona and Soumya, but there still is a certain warmth about her. She thinks right and knows how to live life. She falls every time Shona takes over, but she is capable of picking herself up and walking back in line. She's practical and patient with a zest for life. Independent and with a fierce appetite for reading. Shopping, fashion and gossip tops her list. She's sweet and equally listens when someone else is talking. The only problem with her is that once she starts talking, its tough to get her to stop. This has got her into trouble way too many times. She might not even care where the other person is. It doe...

If only you'd let me love you

You shall wake up with a sweet kiss Just the way I put you to sleep Days may pass and so may years But my love shall remain this deep I shall always watch you With a face naked with love Cos I'm a firm believer That our match was made above Gravity may bring me down But I'm gonna hold on strong Cos I know that with you and me Together, nothing can go wrong I shall hear you sing Till the time stands still My breath needs your voice Without which I'm just nil You're perfect to my eyes You connect with my soul Irrespective of the zillion differences Only you make me feel whole Even after all these years My heart still skips a beat for you Just hold me tight when you're around Then you'll know its true Do you know that I only want you I want your old self and nothing new You'll know all of these things If only you'd let me love you


All those unspoken words All those unsure moods Swinging from love to lust Your presence now seems a must No matter where I hide Your love seems to follow me Holding me strong, showing me things Even those that I don't want to see You just have to smile And all the starts shine down If I have you in front of me Never again shall I frown Your the wind, who sets me free But your thoughts imprison me Wanting me to be what you need And never once letting me be me If you thought that I'd give up on you You're crazy cos I'm really strong If you think that I don't love you Then you are simply wrong Even if its not meant to be My heart only knows your chime Maybe not in this birth But next time I want you to be mine Its never ever been easy To stop my heart's call Its never easy to cry your eyes out And alone try to wipe them all When you touch me It gets me weak in the knee Its rains in a thirsty desert When you kiss me I can't breathe without you Cos my breath is ...

The Right Connection

Being an ardent Facebook user, I had to, had to watch 'The Social Network'. Caught it up on the very first week, this Sunday. One word, exceptional! This movie is great to watch and more importantly it is a pleasure to listen. It is simple and clearly illustrates that mere writing can take on the most expensive of special effects. After all no amount of sfx can match up to human emotions and the daily life drama. With over 500 million users Facebook can easily be the third largest country in the world, after China and of course our very own India. Based on the book, 'The Accidental Billionaires', this movie goes deep to trace the origin of this mammoth network. Mark Zuckerberg, played by Jesse Eisenberg is this nerdy computer genius, who can speak a million to a dozen even though he has no clue as to how to behave in any kind of social situation. His wit and 'in your face' attitude is a treat to watch. To be rude and to be right is something really tough which t...

Heart Prints

Others can make me feel good While you can make it great Your smile erases everything else Only you seem to have this trait I sure do enjoy solitude But your thought never seems to leave How can you stay in my mind 24x7 At times its hard to believe Others can cheer me up But nothing when compared to you You take me to extremes of happiness This fact I always knew A warm hug always consoles me But your touch satiates me whole Others can only talk to me But your words reach my soul There sure are priorities But you make it to the top of the list I do mix with others But I'm enveloped in your mist People come, people go But you have held on strong Others leave behind foot prints But you only leave fresh heart prints


I thought the question was that 'Is there anything left between us?' The answer came in the form of a question, 'Is there an us?' We may fight, we may hurt We may cry and make a fuss But when it comes to you and me Lets face it, there is always an us

Did he know?

Did he know I thought about him when I woke up each morning, as I drifted to sleep each night, and most of the time in between; and that even when I was not consciously thinking about him, I continually sensed the presence of his love within me? Did he know that the best pleasure that I used to get was to steal glances at his face; and that I said little prayers over him asking for sweet serenity to always grace his countenance? Did he know he went to places in my heart and mind where no one had ever gone before; and that I exposed the totality of my self - the good, the bad, and the ugly - because I had such complete and utter trust in his love for me? Did he know I admired the way he cared for his family, friends, and anyone in need, and accepted everyone without judgement or criticism? Did he know he was the best friend I ever had, and the bond between us had a depth and breadth that could not be severed by anything? Did he know I thanked God daily for intersecting the winding roads...

Love Actually

I like the way you think It always seems to engage me You are larger than life size That's what my eyes see Its written in the wind Its everywhere I go The chant of my heart The world seems to know You are committed to my memory Like the music that helps me move Sometimes you help me shed a tear And sometimes you get me to groove In the story of my life You play the lead role Your smile tingles my heart Your sincerity kisses my soul The bitter sweet emotions Never seem to leave me Images unfolding every time The time when you and I were we If God had made you first There would be no need for sunshine Its always an amusing scary thought Your future links intricately with mine I write and say a lot But everything I say is true Nothing can surpass the feeling Of being loved by you

For the Reader

One my techno geek friends has started a website for all the technical things under the sun. He is an immaculate techno genius. He wanted a book review sub-domain for his site and so guess whom he approached :D. I was interested yes, but was petrified that I had to review some informational or programming books. The last I read or even saw one of those books were about three years ago! But it turns out that he wanted a reviewer for the "normal" books. Like fiction, romance and the other crap I read. And so we came up with The Ledge . For those who like reading and want an idea of how the book is, please visit 'The Ledge'. And yes, you can even post your own review once you sign up! So please do pitch in your comments and I assure you 'The Ledge' is a cool place to hang out if you have a passion for books.

Action Replay

I don't why, but I had this sudden urge to come back to this template. I know a lot of people have loved and appreciated the coffee template, I loved it loads too. But, since the last coupla days the template seems to have lost its charm. It suddenly started looking dull and dry to me. I'm not a big fan of orange, infact I almost hate it, but it looks good with my words. Not the Diwali feel, but I like the sparking look. It kind of compensates for my sad, boring and dull posts at times. It also highlights my best pieces sometimes. And so we're back. The coffee one was something very close to me, but it didn't seem to work right for me. Much like most of the people in my life. Pun intended. In my defense, I did NOT get bored of it like I do with most other materialistic things. It suddenly got all pale and dowdy in my eyes. Probably its got to do with how bright and awesome the past days of my life have been. I know I'm sounding a lot like Barney Stinson with all the...

Stand by Me

When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we'll see I won't be afraid, No, I won't be afraid Just as long as you stand by me If the sky that we look upon Should tumble and fall And the mountains should crumble into the sea I won't cry, No I won't shed a tear Just as long as you stand by me.

Music & Lyrics

Not a moment passes Without you coming to my mind Even when I slam my eyes shut Only you I can find My every breath smells of you Every beat echoes your touch The world seems to be filled with reasons As to why I love you so much Your voice gives me the strength to live Without that I'd be long gone At times I just want to go off But your memories switch me back on My thoughts about you have always been clear Pristine, transparent and pure like dew I need your love for survival I choke on life without you Its been more than half a decade But our love still stays fresh and new I now have come to believe There is no getting over you Every small thing is linked to you Your thoughts can never set me free No matter what ever I do I see you when I see me I can no more wear this armor I'm tired of all the smiling tricks Please come back to me my love Cos you're the music to my lyrics

Reason to Union

So almost everyone I know is either getting married, falling in love, announcing good news or popping out babies. And like any other normal girl, I'm kinda feeling left back because I'm no where close to any of those. Its also funny that the girls I grew up with are wives and mommies now. I'm sure they see nothing funny in it. Maybe that's all they want from life. Mission accomplished. Successful or not, we'll see that later. Why do people get married? Quite an imposing question eh? Let me state a few examples I know here. Most of my girl friends, my age (24, if you must know) are all set to enter holy matrimony and some are already halfway down there. We all know that we are most influenced by our surroundings and people around us. So according to what I have seen, people nowadays get married to have a secure future, some because they think its a good idea, some people are just fascinated by the concept, some for sex, some to prove a point to someone; more often th...