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Showing posts from July, 2014

Day Two #WhatTheBlack

The first clue of this challenge, that was a black egg, arrived early in the morning. But when the clue for day two had not arrived until noon, I was worried. I had already seen it on twitter that it was a black news paper. But I kept wondering where was mine. I decided to raise an alarm to BlogAdda as soon as I get home. But the minute I stepped in, I saw it! There it was, all black and classy. Black does have that sense of power to it. It makes everything look elegant. It had a sticker like yesterday too, that said " Day 2, Watch out for more tomorrow ". So it was an egg yesterday, and today a news paper. An egg is a staple breakfast and the news paper is the first thing I read every morning. So, does the clue indicate mornings? May be. Also, the pages in between the news paper were blank! What do I make out of that? Waiting to see, what comes tomorrow! This is getting interesting by the second! Can anybody guess what this whole #WhatTheBlack could be? Yo...

My Magical Companion

Image Source: Skyscanner The first time I visited Sri Lanka, was on work and I was there for a very short duration. Yet, the beauty of that small country baffled me. I was put up at Colombo in a room facing the pristine clear ocean. I could see the clear sky and the blue water. The roads were well built and there was no speck of dirt at all. Yeah, coming from Bangalore, I was surprised to see such neat roads. The weather was calm and peaceful and it felt like a vacation even though I was there for business discussions. The best part about Sri Lanka is the currency. One Indian Rupee is approximately equal to 2.13 Sri Lankan Rupees. Yeah, more than double. The next best thing, is the food. Since India and Sri Lanka are neighboring countries, there is no much difference in the food. The spice and salt is accurate hence making everything almost edible. Why, my five star hotel even served dosas! And finally the bestest thing about Sri Lanka is that it just an hour and a half away fro...

Day One #WhatTheBlack

I had barely woken up this morning, when my husband held a gift in his hand. It was a small black box that looked classy beyond anything. It even had a black bow tied to it. The minute I saw the color black, I new it had arrived. The surprise for the #WhatTheBlack activity from BlogAdda . The surprise arrived just like that, without an outer covering or an envelope with the address. That amazed me! The person just asked for me, and handed it to my husband and left. I looked at it closely. It had a sticker on it that said " Day 1, Watch out for more tomorrow ". I rushed to wash my eyes and untied the bow! Well, a surprise it was. It was an egg! Completely black in color and heavier than a normal egg.  My first instinct was chocolate! I licked it, but the black color left a trace on my tongue. Yeah, the color was fresh. This egg came with a note that said " The question is no longer 'Did the chicken come first or the egg?'. The questions now is 'Why is...

On A Pedestal

Image Source: The Magpie Tales I can still hear the dogs bark And some tongues continue to wag Its funny you think you can break me Your thoughts land in my dustbin bag I am not going to ever give up You can cuss and curse all you want I shall stand tall and do it my way Your baseless claims do not haunt You clearly do not have the guts To point the gun directly at me That's why you target my close ones How typically lame, my eyes can see Go ahead do it, spew the venom I shall get past it all with a smile How do you think I made it this far While you are still stuck in the first mile You have been trying for a while now Aren't your fingers enough burnt Spin your web, spread you tales Not to pay heed, I have learnt Call me all the names you want Based your minuscule thoughts, I won't fall I have the love of my life on my side Together we shall conquer it all Days, months and years may pass Your jealousy wi...

Fear Conquered

Image Source: Google Not so long ago, they mocked her fears and called her the timid queen who was scared of people, closed spaces, heights, water and everything else around. She did not say anything back then but slowly conquered her own fears in her own way possible. She now flies high in the sky, conquering the open air through her enclosed space. She did not let her fears come in the way of her dreams of becoming a pilot or a habitual swimmer. Today, the same people call her fearless . This five sentence fiction is written for the topic ' Fearless ' at Lillie McFerrin Writes .

Fruit & Spice

Image Source: Google I have a love hate relationship with smells. Primarily because I am prone to migraines induced by smells. Very few scents pass my test and remain that way for a long time. I do not like the smell of flowers and citrus too much. I like something that leaves a impact and makes me crave for it more. Not only in terms of scent, but in terms of freshness as well. I did not think much about this until a few days ago when I was having a crappy day and my husband decided to take me out on a long ride to cheer me up. The chill in the air lifted my spirits up a bit, but my day turned into an awesome one the minute I stepped into a quaint little cafe. This place had a cozy feel and was a fusion of flavors and smells. We found a table on the roof top free from all these over powering smells. We ordered some drinks and an apple crumble pie. And then it all began. It all started with a slight smell of burnt butter. Yeah, not that pleasing. But soon it turned into ...

She Is Incredible

Image Source: Google A phone is a constant companion. For me and for everyone else, I'm sure. Gone are the days of calenders and watches, it all is present in the phone now. No more need to charge the camera battery overnight for a trip. All pics look wonderful on the phone itself and it is so easy to upload on all the social channels from there. My phone is like my best friend, always by my side, helping me do all that I have to and want to do. It is like my own portable diary that I always carry with me and note down points from everywhere. I have customized my phone apps to suit my taste and currently, I can do almost everything on my phone. But does my phone keep me safe? I have spend twenty thousand rupees on my phone, but it is not gonna prevent me from getting harmed. Or will it? Considering the fact that technology can almost do everything now, and since Kareena Kapoor Khan is also endorsing the safety ' VithU ' app, is a phone enough to keep one safe? O...

Book Review: The Deliberate Sinner

Image Source: Google Title : The Deliberate Sinner Author : Bhaavna Arora Publisher : Srishti Publishers Genre : Fiction/ Drama Price : Rs 120 Pages : 165 " Is there an acid test to gauge the success of a relationship? Is it right to carry on in an unhealthy relationship with no conjugal bliss, or look for an alternate path ?" These are the questions this book raises. I received an autographed copy of the book for my review which said " Hate the sin, not the sinner ". I disagreed right there. Shouldn't the sinner be blamed for committing the sin? I then looked forward to read the book. This story revolves around three main protagonists. Rihana, her husband Veer and her best friend Raj. Rihana is the spoilt and pampered only daughter of a rich business man. On a trip to Thailand alone, she meet Veer on the plane and befriends him. He on the other hand, has ideas of his own. Once back from the trip, he tries to woo her and finally succ...

Black Is Powerful #WhatTheBlack

Image Source: Google Black would be a favorite color for most of us. Obviously, because it is sleek and sexy. But most importantly because, black is slimming. Wear a black gown and voila, you look two kilos light instantly! Such is the beauty of this magic color. But for me, black rises above all these vain things. Black to me is fearless. Black to me is strength. Black to me is the truth. And most importantly, black to me is powerful. The main reason why black is associated with power is because it has no frills attached. It is what it is. Bold, beautiful and honest. Black can also be closely associated with desire. Desire and power is a wonderful combo. Black can wipe out all the other colors in a single stroke, without leaving any remnants of what was before. If this is not power, then what is? The five black things that I desire and why. 1. Indefinite black ink in my pen. Image Source: Google 'A pen is mightier than the sword' they say and I believe e...

A Wet Memory

Image Source: The Magpie Tales The pleasant drizzle is bothering me, even though the smell of the wet mud is intoxicating. Rains always take me back to those days that I spent with you especially that particular day when we got home all wet, and soaked that old tattered red carpet of yours before rushing upstairs to make wild passionate love. And how we sat naked together, watching the rain make patterns on the window pane as you played with my hair and trailed your fingers down my bare back. I almost thought that I had fallen in love with you, but then you kissed me goodbye. I never heard from you after that, but the memory of that day would never be erased from my soul. This five sentence fiction is written for the topic ' Rain ' at Lillie McFerrin Writes . Linking to The Magpie Tales: Mag 228 .

I'm Odd

Image Source: Google I am proud of my brown skin I don't care if I look slim or broad I love myself the way I am Yeah, probably that's why I'm odd I believe in myself the most Only after that, comes God I don't have to pray to get things Yeah, probably that's why I'm odd I am in no way lesser than a man I do not have to worship him as lord I want no special reservations for me Yeah, probably that's why I'm odd I believe in speaking my mind out My words might strike harder than a rod I find no point in sugar coating them Yeah, probably that's why I'm odd I do not need too many people I am very happy with my own little squad I do not find the need to please people Yeah, probably that's why I'm odd I am protective about the people I love Mess with me and you get clawed I am my own power and strength Yeah, probably that's why I'm odd I do what ever I want to do For ...

Taste Of Blood

Image Source: Google My back is torn from the daily whips of your belt. The blood sticks to my clothes, burning me inside. I have had enough of this pain. But today, you know how it feels. I just intended on a slash from the knife, but it killed you. I now know, that blood tastes really sweet.

Come, Drive Me Crazy

Image Source: Google Your hair turns me on All ruffled and in a mess I want to touch you I want to touch you Feel your lips on my body Making love all night Making love all night I want to lie by your side All spent and smiling All spent and smiling Feeling your naked lithe frame Let our bodies melt Let our bodies melt In the heat of love and lust Come, drive me crazy Written for Haiku Horizons : Prompt - Drive .

A To Z Of Me

There was a time when awards were so frequent on the blogosphere, that there was hardly any joy in receiving it. Every Tom, Dick and Harry were keen on awarding every John Doe in the scene. I'm glad those days are over. After a few years I see the award fad returning to blogs and this time I see blogs worthy of the award receiving it, which makes the whole concept seem right and good. Awards are a definite boost to a blogger, who feels that the writing has been appreciated and in turn can appreciate others. Such kind gestures are what makes this blogosphere a wonderful place to be in. And I am proud to be a part of it for more than five years now. The ' Quintet of Radiance Award ' has been doing the rounds for about some time now. This is a wonderful award that combines five awards within one, hence making it more special. And I'm honored that I have been given this award by three awesome bloggers. Crimson Curls , Anmol and Aathira , thank you guys so much fo...

Faded Page Of Life

Copyright – Kelly Sands There was sunlight when you left and now the clouds above have given up too, just like me. Sometimes I wonder if I gave up too soon and then I think maybe not, since the decision to leave was solely yours. You wanted to go out and explore a new world, of which I clearly wasn't a part of, atleast that's what you proved when you left me with just a note. Today it doesn't hurt so much, as I have come to realize that I am worth more. Your name lies faded in some old page of my life. This five sentence fiction is written for the topic ' Pages ' at Lillie McFerrin Writes . This drabble (100 word fiction) is written for Friday Fictioneers , 11th July .

Yours Forever

Image Source: Google You tried to hide it a lot, but I see through it now. The fear in your eyes, the hesitation in your tone and many other things. You love me a lot I know. But inspite of this love, your insecurity shone through. I did not give much thought to it at first, I just thought you were being silly to irritate me. But now I see it. All of it. You tried to woo me for years, when I had a pack of admirers around. And yet, I chose you. Because I fell in love with you. You were the cynosure of my eyes and I couldn't look beyond you. We got married after a long courtship, which had been the happiest times of my life. I only realized later, that the knot you had tied around my neck was strengthened with doubt. I now remember the day when you suddenly came home with headache, when I had informed you over the phone that my best friend was visiting home. My best friend, who is more like a brother to me. You came in immediately after five minutes of his arrival. Strang...

Oman - A Beautiful Address

Image Source: Google The middle east has always intrigued me. I am awed by their huge buildings and their wonderful food. Their wide roads and their plush green heritage. The middle east is often shown as a place with mammoth buildings, camels and super rich Arabs. But there is more to this, than what meets the eye. I have had a forever long desire to visit the middle east and bask in their culture. If given a chance, I would love to visit the 1,000-mile-long coastal plain at the southeast tip of the Arabian Peninsula. It is bordered by the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. This is the country of Sindbad the sailor, more popularly known as Oman. Officially called the Sultanate of Oman. Visiting a Muslim country is not easy, especially for a woman. Oman is a country which is very friendly towards women. Woman are allowed to work and drive around just like men. Plus it is not a mandate to wear a veil, if you are a non Muslim. Since I am not, this was a relief for...