The first clue of this challenge, that was a black egg, arrived early in the morning. But when the clue for day two had not arrived until noon, I was worried. I had already seen it on twitter that it was a black news paper. But I kept wondering where was mine. I decided to raise an alarm to BlogAdda as soon as I get home. But the minute I stepped in, I saw it! There it was, all black and classy. Black does have that sense of power to it. It makes everything look elegant. It had a sticker like yesterday too, that said " Day 2, Watch out for more tomorrow ". So it was an egg yesterday, and today a news paper. An egg is a staple breakfast and the news paper is the first thing I read every morning. So, does the clue indicate mornings? May be. Also, the pages in between the news paper were blank! What do I make out of that? Waiting to see, what comes tomorrow! This is getting interesting by the second! Can anybody guess what this whole #WhatTheBlack could be? Yo...
Opinion Writer - Saying it the way it is.