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I'm Odd

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I am proud of my brown skin
I don't care if I look slim or broad
I love myself the way I am
Yeah, probably that's why I'm odd

I believe in myself the most
Only after that, comes God
I don't have to pray to get things
Yeah, probably that's why I'm odd

I am in no way lesser than a man
I do not have to worship him as lord
I want no special reservations for me
Yeah, probably that's why I'm odd

I believe in speaking my mind out
My words might strike harder than a rod
I find no point in sugar coating them
Yeah, probably that's why I'm odd

I do not need too many people
I am very happy with my own little squad
I do not find the need to please people
Yeah, probably that's why I'm odd

I am protective about the people I love
Mess with me and you get clawed
I am my own power and strength
Yeah, probably that's why I'm odd

I do what ever I want to do
For societal norms I give no nod
My life my way, is my mantra
Yeah, probably that's why I'm odd


  1. And that is why you are special, and in no ways odd! You are a true Leo and I can see all your traits expressed so wonderfully here, Soum. Way to go, girl! Loved it :)

  2. Probably that's why you are so louved, yeah.. because you are odd!! :)

  3. Thank you for this ! Being odd is what makes you apart from the humdrum crowd

  4. I love that you're odd...such a rare thing to find. Xx

  5. Who is not odd? Most people wear a mask, I think and over time forget the difference between the mask and reality.
    It is the acceptance of 'being odd' that makes one special.

  6. Wow Soumya! A wonderful poem. Loved the rhyming! And you are odd and that is what makes you special :-D

  7. What a poetic definition of Odd.. :) Loved it!!

    1. Thank you Priyanka, long time no see :)

    2. Ah! I was trying to find out what has been keeping me busy...but I couldn't to gave up...And here I am :)
      Missed reading your posts..

  8. I am not sure if my previous comment was published...Arrgh! How I hate this internet thingieee...
    Anyways...! What a poetic definition of odd...Loved it :)

    1. It was published. It is right above this one :)

  9. If this is being odd, then it's good to be odd :-) Lovely rhyming. God knows how you keep churning out such gems time and again !!!

    1. Thank you Amrit. You have been super kind. :)

  10. Everyone should be odd (though that would make it even)...then the world would be a better place.
    This was awesome

    1. I agree. That's the only way the world can ever be even.

      Thanks Red!

  11. Everyone must be odd, then...the world would be a better place ! Good one !

  12. This was something! Being odd is a choice and it reflects in your poem. Loved it :)

  13. You are odd and that's why you have my nod! ;)
    Lovely as usual! :)

  14. I say, you be odd and keep inspiring others. :)

  15. None could have done this better Leo! The way of expressing love for being oneself.You are a queen in that, awesomely done :)

  16. but you are loved a lot :) and its nt odd, its being unique :) n u definitely are unique :)

  17. very lovely and very inspiring also! odd people are often boycotted by our society that is happier rotting in old traditions and rules and no appetite for freshness! To be proud of oneself is the first step towards success :)

  18. And Yeah, probably that's why we love you :* :* How do you rhyme so well, Soumya. I love the rhymes here :)

  19. You're loved for being you,
    And we know you aren't a fraud,
    You're more of you in everything,
    yeah, probably you're good , being odd :D

    Lovely, Soums :)

  20. Thats how it should be .. do what one pleases and makes happy ..because to make others happy we ned to be happy ourself :)

    lovely emotional poem i would say


  21. Being Odd is no bad thing, be odd, be unique :)

  22. Being Odd is no bad trait, stay odd, stay unique :)


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