Some one recently asked me what's my relationship status? I don't put them up on social networking sites. Reason being I don't find the category I belong too. It has single, committed, in a relationship, married, open relationship (whatever that means), open marriage (yikes!, I'm not even going to try to figure this one out) and thanks to Himesh Reshamiya's 'Radio' it has something called as It's complicated too. Thankfully I'm not a part of any of these. I'd belong to something called as 'Single in love'. Hahaha sounds funny, but that's what's my status. Atleast currently. Its been exactly 17 months for today since I've been single. Err... The above category I mentioned actually. 17 months. That's quite long yeah. But I don't pity myself at all. Nor do I think anyone should worry about me. The last thing I want to be pitied about is the fact that I'm single. I survived 17 months being there dint I? Its not a joke...
Opinion Writer - Saying it the way it is.