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Showing posts from November, 2015

Monday Musings #2

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Scent Of A Woman

Image Source I've attended quite a few events this month and it was an enjoyable experience. I met a lot of new people and made some good friends. There were a lot of meaningful conversations and I did have a wonderful time. Everything seemed to go fine until I mentioned " my husband " during some random conversation. People gasped and some even choked. There was a round of " You're married? " and then I had to witness quite a few not so pleasant expressions. This is not the first time that this has happened. In the two and half years that I have been happily married, I have heard this question quite a number of times. Although some people would have loved to take this a compliment, I find it a little weird. How does it matter if a person is married or not? While the conversation is revolving around food, writing or fashion, how does one's marital status matter? When someone says " You don't look married ", most women take pride in ...

Monday Musings #1

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Hole In Your Soul

Image Source To all those wishing ill for others Don't you have anything else to do How do you manage to live like that To yourselves, do you think you are true Stop cribbing about what happened in the past Start a new life and just move on There is no point in holding on to anger Especially when the events are long gone Don't look at the world with hatred What you see is a reflection of you Try to find joy in small things Let go of the old and embrace the new Do not be divided by religion Remember, we are all human beings first Do not be influenced by others You don't have to quench others vengeful thirst God created all of us as one Why the desperate need to divide Inspite of having the whole world as ours Why still the need to run and hide While we are watching the clear sky There are some of us living in fear Can't we even say a prayer for them I'm sure this they will hear Or have we just lost o...

The Blind Side

Image Source Last week during my break, I watched ' The Blind Side ' on TV. Again. I have seen this movie more than five times and I fall in love with it every time I watch it. This is the movie that won Sandra Bullock her Oscar and it was so rightly deserved. There is not a dull moment in the movie and every character is so perfectly cast. The plot is neat, tight and quick. And most importantly it touches your heart like nothing else has ever done. It leaves you feeling happy thinking that the world actually is a nice place. For those who have not seen it yet, please watch it as soon as you can. Released in 2009, The Blind Side is the story of Michael Oher aka Big Mike who has been living in a foster care with different families. He has a troubled childhood with a drug addict mother and a runaway father. He has a poor academic record but is good at athletics thanks to his big size. Burt Cotton, the coach of Wingate Christian School takes him into the school thanks to ...

Why I Suck At Taking Breaks

Image Source I took a week long break from work to just relax and unwind and cater to other personal commitments. My last holiday was some time in May and the last leaves I took was when I fell sick. When work took precedence over everything else and started bogging me down, I decided that I need a break. I just needed to get away from the monotony of life for sometime. So when I finished all my tasks at work, I decided to take a short break and just do nothing. Cal was on leave for a couple of days too and time just flew in his company. We spent all the time together like we always do. Thanks to current Bangalore weather and pouring rain, we spent most of the time indoors. We watched movies and played games. But we most indulged in the favorite thing that we do together. Talk! We had long conversations over hot ginger tea and pakoras as we watched the rain together from our balcony. Diwali came and went as usual leaving behind a trail of torn papers, dust and smoke. Cal and I ...

Do Not Open The Gate

Image Source The festivities are almost over But the remnants of it still remain As much as it brings happiness Diwali does come with its share of pain I still see sparkles in the sky And hear the blast of a cracker or two The air seems to have turned a different shade This is what us humans always do The dogs are still in hiding Some of them are hurt and limping It will take them days to recuperate All because of one day's doing The wind now carries a foul smell You can barely look across it A halo of dirt covers my eyes Stinging and blinding me bit by bit The bright lamps looked so beautiful All that is now left is an oil trail Every face that was decorated until today Now looks all sullen and pale The streets are filled with burnt crackers Some of them are still emanating smoke Somewhere in the joy of celebration We have turned festivities into a joke I hear an old man coughing hard And I see a child with a ba...

Action Replay - October 2015

Image Source My last post was a week ago and I have been crazy busy with work. Deadlines hovering over and leaving me with hardly any time to do anything else. And yet, October was quite an eventful month for me. Met a lot of wonderful people and learnt quite a few lessons. The month started off with a bang with a B-A-R meet. This is a closed group of a few bloggers and most of us here met for the first time. It was a riot and oh so awesome! It always is a good thing to put faces to names or blogs. A huge bunch of us sat down together to eat, drink, talk and learn about one another. And yes, have loads of fun! It was quite an experience. Later that week, I also got to meet Priyanka aka the Cookie Crumb and Red Handed. Two wonderful and gorgeous personalities these were. We ended up sharing so much about our lives that it absolutely did not feel like it was the first time we met. I loved meeting these two women. In terms of learning, the first thing that October taught me was to ...