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Showing posts from March, 2017

Action Replay: February & March 2017

Image Source Thanks to all that happened towards the end of February and early March, I had no time to write a replay post for February. For some reason, February and March have been extremely busy and trying months. February started off well with a good review professionally keeping the workaholic in me satiated and happy. As I rushed to get work done on time, I also made enough time to write and read other blogs. I followed the same letting go principle from January and took life peacefully and one step at a time. It worked wonders, no doubt. What troubles me the most is not having any time for myself. I need at least a couple hours of solo time. I'd read then, or write or sketch or stitch. Sometimes I'd just sit with a cup of tea on my balcony and watch the world go by. The final glimpse of the myriad hues of the sunset or the grandmother in the opposite house playing with her grandchild. Both these things are soothing in a way.

A to Z Challenge 2017: Theme Reveal #atozchallenge

This is the fourth consecutive year that I'll be participating in the A to Z blogging challenge for April . Last year, my theme was "All about me". I initially thought that it would be easy, but it got really difficult to talk about me so much. While I'm a pretty talkative person and narcissistic enough to talk a lot about myself, I did get bored after a point of time. Much before 2017 started, I had a topic in mind for the A to Z challenge for this year. Since the current times have been really trying, I thought a lot about taking up this challenge this year. You see, even if I have done this for three years earlier, doesn't make it any easy now. A to Z is a very tough challenge since you will be writing for 26 days in a month. Also, coming up with new content everyday is really hard. If your theme is random, you can just write something or even post a picture some day. But if you have a theme set, coming up with related content is quite a hard task. Choosi...

When The Going Gets Tough

Image Source " Life is what happens to you, when you are busy making other plans " - This happens to be one of my favorite sayings, but when it took a severely literal effect on my life, I did not know what to do. There are a lot of things that we take for granted in this world. Maybe it is time we sit back and take a look at those things closely. Life has been hitting me with one tragedy after another since the end of last year. No matter how strong a person you are, there is only so much one can take. Just when I thought 2016 was the worst year of my life, 2017 seems to be hell bent upon trying to prove me wrong. My life has always been a roller coaster ride, with me handling a million things at every point of time. I have no complains, as I love the busy life that always keeps me on my toes and active. But I was in for a nightmare a few days ago.