And we're back!! :D No no I had not disappeared anywhere. 2011 has been so super duper good that I was just sitting back and watching life flow exactly the way I wanted it to. You may feel that I'm exaggerating but when you've lived a series of crappy years and then suddenly find everything going your way, the thrill is unexplainable. I've waited months and years to get this feeling and now that I'm here, I want to dwell here forever. Never ever looking back again. I've lived 25 years without any regret or guilt and this is how I shall live the rest of my life. 2011 has been the bestest year of my life. 2005 showed me the beauty of love and 2011 has taught me the importance of it. 2006 brought out the woman in me and 2011 showed me that its not bad to bring out the child in me at times. 2007 made me serious about life and 2011 taught me to take life with a pinch of salt. 2008 brought out patience in me and 2011 showed me how to implement it. 2009 made me cynical
Opinion Writer - Saying it the way it is.