Just for today Can we forget the mess Would you hold me tight Just once please say yes Lets let go of the world Come we shall celebrate this day Forget the white and the black Just for today lets turn gray For a while ignore the requiem Just chant your wonderful song Get your voice to grace my ears I'll pester the effect to stay long We have been there before The feeling is nothing new I want to feel the goose bumps Just for today let me touch you Lets smile together holding hands Its your day that I want to share Don't push me away as yet Just for today I want to be there All the bottled up emotions Today it wants to come rushing out Why don't we let it flood Today let us enjoy this tiny love bout Go on press the pause button Let us get the feelings to surge Lets not think about tomorrow Just for today let us merge Let us get our lips together Lets feel the heat and come near Just for today let us live I may not be around the next year
Opinion Writer - Saying it the way it is.