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Live & Let Live | #WordlessWednesday - 22

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage, Sri Lanka - March 2016
If Animals Spoke, Humanity would Cry.

~ Manuj Rajput


Linking up with Natasha and Esha for Wordless Wednesday this week. 


  1. Damn... those words are so haunting. Mainly because they are so true.

  2. Most definitely, we would!

    Sometimes I agonise so much and what is it that we can do differently than just signing petitions and donating money, to bring about change. Working in the wildlife fraternity I come close and personal to such losses, often. Most of them don't go reported.

    On one of my visits to the forests, when I first sighted a tiger in the wild. A royal stunning guy. An experience of a lifetime.
    He was the hero of that forest. And it breaks my heart still to be reminded, that he disappeared from the face of the forest mysteriously in a few months.

    So glad you posted this, Soumya for #WW.

    1. Ah my heart breaks to read about the tiger! Poor things, the way we humans treat them is so inhumane.

  3. Absolutely. This was heartbreakingly cruel!

  4. Beautiful capture Soumya!
    The quote rings so true...

    1. Thank you! The quote does pierce your heart.

  5. "If Animals Spoke, Humanity would Cry." Perfect quote Soumya.

    The profound truth. How many of us take their lives for granted and when they retaliate we get worse. I hope and pray that we all learn to appreciate, accept and empathize with every living being other than humans.

  6. Oh yes, humanity would definitely cry from guilt, the way we treat those beautiful creatures!


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