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2022 - The Year That Was

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If there is one thing that I want to focus on in 2023, it has to be writing. I wrote just 5 posts in 2022 and I'm embarrassed and sad. Embarrassed because I'm ashamed of not being dedicated in pursuing something that I love. Sad, well, same reason. As someone with a genuine "have to be in control" problem, it doesn't go down well on me that I'm not able to do something. Especially something that I want to do. Now that I look back, I realize that it did not bother me as much as I thought it would. Perhaps, it no longer was a priority. How and when that happened, I'm not sure of. One thing I know for sure now, I want to get back to writing and I have a plan in place. I intend to stick to it, come what may.

One of the posts that I wrote last year was about blogging and its relevance in today's world. In a world where even news comes in short, who has the time to read an entire page of content. The comments on that post proved me wrong. Good writing and good connections will always be important and relevant. Writing is cathartic and is something that I genuinely enjoy doing. Without making too many promises, I'm going to say this. I'm going to write as often as I can. My thoughts, my experiences, and obviously my opinions on anything and everything possible. This space exists for a reason and I want to do complete justice to it.

What better way to start the new year, by taking a look at the year gone by? Clichéd much, I know. The reason I want to talk about the year gone by is because I intend to sunset the Action Replay and Gratitude List posts. Nothing personal or strategical here. I just want to write more content on things that matter to me. It literally has been years since I wrote a piece of poetry, I want to get back to doing that. As much as I want to and will continue talking about my personal life, I also want to talk about the current topics and how they have an effect on me. Instead of monthly updates, I'd rather do a single one at the end of the year. This would better summarize my journey through the year as well.

Now, back to 2022. It has been a fantastic year in so many ways. With the effects of the pandemic mellowing down, things seemed bright already. As quickly as 2022 went by, it also felt turtle paced in places. Ever since I became a dog-mom my priorities have changed and how! I still am a workaholic, but I've let go to a very large extent. Work is now hybrid and I need to go into office for a couple of days a week. Surprisingly, I still enjoy going to office. My closest friend and colleague left the company and I thought that I'll not feel the push to go to office. As much as I miss her, I enjoy the conversations and the hustle-bustle that you can only get at a work place. Work is going great and I have a whole new set of targets for this year. This is something that I've been wanting to do for a while now and have been waiting for the right mentor to come along. I've set the things in motion and I hope to succeed in this pivotal endeavor of mine.

2022 will be largely remembered for helping me come to terms with past baggage and inner demons. I'm more mature now and I can understand toxic upbringing and the effects it has on the person that you are today. I've been trying to make peace with it for years, but this year I finally got somewhere. Maturity also means accepting the toxic behaviors you once had. This was not easy. The process was filled with a lot of anger, shame and guilt. It slowly transitioned to acceptance and then to realization. Soon, I was able to make peace with myself. What happened in the bargain was that I became an introvert. That's honestly one of the best things to have happened to me. As a loud mouthed, strongly opiniated person, you tend to know more people than necessary. I cut down on my circle keeping only the most important people within. I've mellowed down and have developed oodles of patience. People who have known me from years, now call me boring. So be it.

A lot of the changes that I talk about above has been due to reading. The right books. No, not the preachy self-help ones, I still can't bring myself to read them. Books on love, history, relationships and pretty much everything else. I have also evolved as a reader and it makes me very proud. I read a hundred books this year and it has helped me become a better person on so many levels. I still run my book page on Instagram. You can follow me @bluntpages if you are interested.

Travel has been pretty decent this year. As soon as the restrictions were eased, we started planning. While we travelled to Maldives at the start of the year, we went to Singapore towards the end. We actually wanted to attend the Guns'n'Roses concert there and we made a trip out of it. In the middle we travelled to Uttarakand as well. While our trek up the valley of flowers was cancelled due to a landslide, we still enjoyed the place and its beauty. We also went on a few short trips with our boy. He needs a large place to run around freely and the farms on the outskirts of the city provide that. As much as travel is important to us, we ensure that Waffle gets a change of scene too.

That's pretty much everything that I had to say about 2022. I'm no longer the new year, new me person. I've evolved into a new year, better me person. I have some great plans for 2023 and yes, writing will continue to be one of them.

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2023! 


  1. Loved being here after long and you are you. Which is what I love the most about you. Every single word in the post, I knew you as a friend like I have always known. So introvert or extrovert - being who you are matters the most! Loved your pictures from your trips and can't wait to read more on this space.
    Let's keep writing in 2023. <3

    1. Paro!!! :D

      Thank you for coming here to read. I'm always be the same old me, new year or not!

  2. Dear Soumya, Long time no see. :) Glad to have stopped by and to see you getting back to the writing groove. We miss your words so keep them coming. Blunt pages and it's stunning layouts and reviews of course makes up for what we miss here to an extent.

    Glad you managed to travel this year. So did we to an extent - Uttarakhand, Chambal, Sahyadari, Lonavala (the unexplored parts) and finally a wrap up with the ever stunning Turkey. If you haven't been there you must, as I know you will love it.

    I'm so glad you are a dog mom. One of the best feelings in the whole wide world.

    I wish you a year of following your passion, of healing and living an even more wholesome life going forward.

    Wishing you three sunshine and moonlit nights. Love and hugs.xox

    1. Hey darling! Nice to see you back here. I missed your sunshine and sparkly dust here :)

      Your pictures from Turkey have made me want to go there soon. It is on the plan.

      Thank you so much for your wishes and much love to the girls and your DH. Oh yes, super cuddly hugs to Mishka and Laila <3

  3. Introvert, extrovert... these are just labels. I feel important thing is to be who we are, at any given point of time.
    Cheers for the new year & a better you! :)

  4. Lovely to see your reflections on your year and how much you have grown. Great to see you managed to get in a lot of travel too. Hope 2023 continues to be lovely.

    1. So nice to see you here, Sanch! Nice to know that you have been writing as well.

  5. I came to know you through your writing and that is where my admiration for you started right from the first few posts. Never hasty, but loud roars, every one of them. Now, I think even though it has mellowed in it's intensity, it still feels like a majestic lioness. I enjoy the lush it still offers. <3 Have a lovely 2023. Hugs and sending lots of love to Waffles for all the love and happiness he has brought to both of you.

    1. Thank you so much, dear Jayanthy. Wishing you a fabulous 2023 too <3

  6. I love the "new year, better me" part the best out of this whole piece of writing which, BTW, is extremely honest and fresh. I didnt write at all in 2022 but instead of guilt, I have taken it as a much needed break. And now I am raring to go to such an extent that I might just do the AtoZ this year ;-) Looking forward to seeing more of you in the blogosphere Soumya. Cheers for a beautiful year ahead. Love the doggo's name!!!

    1. Thank you my dear! I have been contemplating on the A to Z too. If you are sure, I might join in :D

  7. Feels familiar to get back to reading your posts and I could resonate with almost everything penned here. I used to blog so much but that's changed for sure. I do intend to journal more this year, even if it's in my diary. Blogs, don't do it for me anymore. However, I do look forward to reading your posts! :)

    1. Thank you so much! I'm sorry they don't work for you anymore. As much as I love journaling, I need to vent out here too.

  8. Now if this doesn't inspire me to restart my writing process, I don't know what else will ! Honestly, your posts do have an uncanny way of connecting with people - it is more like, "I may or may not agree to what you say, but I simply can't help falling in love with the way you say it" kind of a thing !

    Way to go, Soumya! Here's to a New 2023 and a better us. Much Love !

    1. Sreeja! It was so nice to hear from you on FB <3

      Please do go ahead and resume your writing. We'd love to read more by the Alter Ego :)

      Wishing you a fabulous 2023 too. Love!

  9. What you wrote about blogging is so true. I have an entire post wondering if blogging is dead in my drafts. But I hope that it isn't. There is a certain charm in blogging that can't be replaced by Insta. I am glad that you have decided to blog more this year, as it is one of my goals as well (i just posted my first post in fact). I remember reading your poems and loving them and I am glad that you have decided to write more of them. I am excited to see what you have in store for us this year.

    1. Yayyy to deciding that! I'm off to read your post now.

      Here's to writing more in 2023!

  10. Ah, a nice journal of musings about the year past. I was looking for updates of Waffle. I hope I haven't gotten his name wrong. I can only imagine how much you are loving him. We also travel with Coco as much as possible. Of course, at 11 now, his faculties are diminishing but he still loves a car ride. It is nice to know that in 22 you could heal further and put some past demons to rest. New year resolutions are so passe. Happy 2023!

    1. Oh yes, he's Waffle. Most people call him Waffles though, not sure why :)

      I wish Coco a healthy and longer life <3, they are just angels.

      Happy 2023 to you too, Rachna.

  11. Well, all I can say is, I could relate to this post at so many levels!! Especially the struggle of wanting to write more often.
    Seems like 2022 was a year of great change to you! Wishing you a great 2023 ahead!
    Looking forward to read more of your stories here!

    1. Thank you so much, Nibha! Wishing you a fabulous 2023 too!

  12. It always feels good to read your posts! Even I didn't write much in 2022 but getting back to blogging feels so good! It is nice to know that you had a nice year. Wishing you a lovely year ahead.

    1. Thank you so much, Reema! I'm glad to be back too <3

      Wishing you a wonderful ahead.

  13. Loved reading your reflections of 2022. I refuse to believe that bogging is dead. As long as I am publishing blogging is still alive for me. But these past couple of years, I terribly missed the blogging community and the interactions we used to have. Last year, many times I had felt devastatingly lonely in the blogosphere. I am so happy to know that you are planning to blog more often, Soumya. I missed your poems.
    Wish you a wonderful and fulfilling year ahead. :)

    1. You have solely kept blogging alive for a long time, Vinitha. We're just glad to join you here.

  14. Lovely to see you back, Soumya! I've missed the blogging community these last few years, but once of my goals this year was to dust off the blog and write a bit more regularly. I don't have a goal of x number of posts a week, either, but - just a bit more regular than I have been! It's great to see some of the older bloggers feeling the nudge to return, too. Maybe 2023 will be the year when the bloggers return! ;-)

    1. Shinjini!! Long time :)

      I hope 2023 is the year all bloggers return. Off to check your posts now.


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