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Showing posts from March, 2023

A To Z Challenge 2023 - Theme Reveal #AtoZChallenge

The A to Z blogging challenge seems ancient to me now. I religiously (we seriously need a better word for agnostics like me) participated in this challenge from 2014 to 2019, six consecutive years, 26 posts in the month of April. Honestly, I did enjoy doing them. I picked great themes and was usually prepared beforehand. 2020 to 2022 barely saw any writing from me and A to Z was the last thing on my mind. Since I've been wanting to write more this year, I've decided to participate in the A to Z Blogging challenge for 2023.

Happy Place

  Image Source We all could do with a break From this, that and everything in between Find that peace within yourself Where you can escape and not be seen

LOL - 14 Years Later

Image Source Yesterday I read a blog post that spoke about one's blogging journey. That is when I remembered that my blogging anniversary was actually the next day. It has been a few years since I blogged regularly, so these milestones were usually missed. Forgotten even. Now, I am giving my space the credit it deserves. As of today, it has been fourteen years since I wrote my first blog post . Can you believe it? I honestly can't. I was twenty-two when I started this space and now at thirty-six, my blog has been a part of my journey through thick and thin. Since the only way I know to talk or write is by being honest and straight-forward, this space has it all. It has seen every phase that I've been in. It has given me a space to say what I want, whenever I want. That is only one of the reasons why I love this space so much.

A Slump Called February

Image Source February and I don't get along, that is established now. Over the past few years I've been noticing that the shortest month of the year always seems the longest to me and it more often than not is unappetizing. Nothing grave, but February puts me in an overall life slump. The most bleh month of the year if I might say.