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All That Matters

PHOTO PROMPT- © Sandra Crook

She walked slowly in the scorching heat, carrying a bag on her head and two more in each of her feeble hands. The blisters on her feet hurt and burned, and yet she did not stop; she couldn't. Turning around the corner, she found her regular place and was glad that it was covered in soothing shade. She emptied the contents of her heavy bags carefully, separated and laid down the vegetables for sale. Ignoring the pain all around her body, she said a quick prayer and put on a big smile to greet her first customer for the day.

This five sentence fiction is written for the topic 'Scorching' at Lillie McFerrin Writes.

This drabble (100 word fiction) is written for Friday Fictioneers, 17th July 2015.


  1. Absolutely beautiful and delightful narration:)

  2. What a life to be in pain, sell vegetables in the scorching heat to make a living! <3

  3. It's a hard life for many people. I need to be more grateful for my relatively easy one.

  4. That's a good take on the prompt...a good every-day story!

  5. Now this makes me fell. Well done with the narration!

  6. Well, you gotta do what you gotta do...No matter the pain... Nicely done..

  7. That makes me want to know more about the woman, and why she is in pain. Good story.

    1. She cannot afford slippers, she is bare foot. Hence the pain.

      Thank you!

  8. Don't know why, this got a sense of dejavu. Well written though, Soumya. :)

    Leo @ I Rhyme Without Reason

  9. Nice post soumya:) she is a dedicated woman to her work

  10. Sounds like her life is not an easy one. Nice story!

  11. Great narration! Touching and in the end it left me smiling!

  12. Struggle.. that is what leads to success eventually!

  13. Yes we often don't see behind the facade of the people we meet every day. We all have concerns, struggles, worries, hardships. That's what connects us.

    1. I agree completely. Everyone is fighting a battle.

  14. We always think these street sellers are so quaint but knowing their lives are not easy changes our perspective, doesn't it?

  15. Some people have it so tough in life!

  16. She has to earn her living despite pains and aches. Behind the face of a smile we cannot see and sense her discomfort.

  17. Such a poignant narration. You are an amazing writer Soumya.

  18. And it still happens today. A woman trying to care for her family from the money she makes selling wares on the streets. Well told!


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