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Buried Flames

PHOTO PROMPT – © Jean L. Hays

I told you not to continue with your dangerous racing, especially after the near fatal accident that almost killed you a few months ago. Yet, you did not pay heed to me and went ahead with it without thinking of anything or anybody else. You were selfish and only thought about your dreams and passion, ignoring our beautiful family, our wonderful kids and me. Look what it has come to now, as I stand here helpless wondering how different things would have been had you listened to me. There you lie buried and here my life is set to flames.

This five sentence fiction is written for the topic 'Flames' at Lillie McFerrin Writes.

This drabble (100 word fiction) is written for Friday Fictioneers, 3rd July 2015.


  1. Dear Soumya,

    We don't realize how our actions effect others do we? Well done.



  2. Wow! What a take on the prompt! People sure are so reckless with their lives. One wrong swerve and its all gone...

  3. Oh gosh! that's so sad. So well written Soumya, in just five sentences. good job!

  4. Nicely put and a remarkable take on the prompt where you have linked 'flames' to the living and not to the 'buried' dead !

  5. Well written..sometimes we lose sight of what is actually important and then not only us but the people around us end up paying the price..

  6. Grief and anger come through perfectly. Great story.

  7. In just so many words you evoked such strong feelings in the post. It is true people dont realize the suffering they put others through because they want thrills in their lives.


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