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Growing Up Right

PHOTO PROMPT © Jan Wayne Fields

My parents are buying me the new play station.” Rohan exclaimed in joy.

The exams were just over for the first grade and all the tiny tots were excited about their vacation and what they would do during the holidays.

My father is taking me to Delhi with him. I’ll stay in a big hotel and watch TV all day.” Misha boasted.

My parents have promised to install more games on my iPad.” Justin beamed.

What about you, Zara?” They asked in unison.

I’m going camping with my parents. To explore nature.

How boring!” They all said and walked away.

This drabble (100 word fiction) is written for Friday Fictioneers, 2nd December 2016.


  1. Dear Soumya,

    I think Zara is liable to have the best time of all. Nicely done.



  2. Spot on, Soumya. I wish more people followed suit to explore nature with their offsprings.

  3. I think Zara will have the last laugh in the long run - something a lot of kids don't get to do these days and they're missing out on a lot. Nice story.

  4. I think I left a comment... but looks like it disappeared.
    This is exactly how I want kids to grow up, hiking , understanding nature... making compost pit and windmills... I am so going to be a boring mom. You depicted the difference brilliantly.

    1. I never received one previously.

      Boring? You'll be the smartest mom. Plus, you'll have them yoga every now and then :D

  5. How kids these days have changed. The very idea of fun seems to have transformed into something else and life seems to be all about gadgets for them.. But seriously out in the nature, wild and being carefree is how kids need to grow up.

  6. How sad that kids find all the material things attractive, more than the simple pleasures found in the lap of nature. Zara's parents are indeed sensible. Glad to know that at least some of the kids are growing up right!
    Well done, Soumya!


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