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Dreams On Ice

PHOTO PROMPT © Dale Rogerson

"What's the dish?", the judge asked.

"It's a coconut, lime panna cotta, strawberry granita, cucumber consommé and shards of coconut ice."

"What made you make this for the finale of Masterchef?"

"Years ago, I slept on sidewalks and did odd jobs to sustain. I loved cooking, but did not have the resources. One snowy day, as I shivered along the sidewalk and saw ice setting on every surface, I made a promise to myself that I'll work towards my dream."

'Dreams On Ice' won him the title of Masterchef and also became the name of his first restaurant years later.

This drabble (100 word fiction) is written for Friday Fictioneers, 8th December 2017.


  1. Ha ha ha. Finally a Masterchef Australia story. Loved it.

  2. Lovely little story (I love Masterchef!).

    Susan A Eames at
    Travel, Fiction and Photos

  3. I love Masterchef Australia. It's so much more than food or cooking.

  4. Haha, nice one! Sob stories are always great for reality telly! :D

    1. Thanks Sanch! Sob stories, yes. Mostly Indian shows make a ball out of it :P

  5. A hardworking and determined winner they got there. A good one, Soumya!

  6. Wow! Loved the names of every dish he made and loved your take on the prompt, Soumya! A story full of hope!

  7. As a serious fan of Masterchef and a wannabe contestant, I loved this!


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