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Six Years & Counting

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Warning: Super long post ahead.

I still remember this day six years ago, when I opened blogger for the first time. Everything was so new as I slowly tried to create a blog of my own. It was just an impromptu decision and I did not have anything in mind. I had no clue what to call it or what URL to use. The only thing that I knew was this I wanted this blog to be everything about my life. Since I was going through a terrible phase personally at that time, I wanted some space where I could just vent out my emotions and frustrations. I had a diary to do that, but I couldn't carry it around at work and write. Hence the idea of an online page came up. A page where I could go and write while I was at work. I decided to call it 'hintofme' in the URL and then decided on the name 'Life Of Leo'. Only after the name was decided I found out it is can be abbreviated to LOL. And hence the name stuck and I could not have been more happier today.

Writing started with a broken heart. I did not know that I could write poetry or anything for that matter. Today when I go back and see my old posts I feel so embarrassed. My writing was so immature and juvenile at that time. All I wrote was about the pain and the anger inside me. But, it did help me feel light from inside and I stuck to it. Slowly, the poems started to come out more easily and I began enjoying writing them. Although the theme of love remained the name, I started to explore various other colors of it. People had started liking my work and they encouraged me to write more and more. For a good two to three years I wrote all that I felt. Heart break does that to you. It took me a long time to get out of that broken relationship and as long as I was in that phase I wrote more and more. When I finally got over it, I did not stop writing. I wrote about all the feelings and emotions that I went through. Be it in the form of poetry or just a simple post. I did not want to stop writing. I somehow found peace in what I was doing and I looked forward to writing as often as I could. 

Soon I let it consume me completely. Since I had found love again, I had more and more things to write about. Some people thought that I was revealing too much in my blog posts, but I had nothing to hide. I wanted my space to be an extension of myself. You know, straight forward and honest. I did not want to sugar coat words or write something that others want to read. For me it was important to write what I wanted to read. Because this whole space was started to be a part of me, I wanted it to be just that. I had not tried my hand at fiction until then. It was late by the time I ventured into it. 'A Matter Of Choice' was my first fictional piece and also my first series. People loved it and lauded me. Ramana aka Phatichar, encouraged me to write more and more fiction, offering me tips on how I could better my writing. He believed in me and thought that I could be the next Danielle Steel. I felt honored and coming from someone who I immensely respect, it meant a lot to me. It was only after four years of writing that I joined blog communities like Indiblogger and Blogadda. Considering the amount of things that I have won from them, it is hard to believe that I only joined them two years ago. They provided me with wonderful topics that would challenge my mind and my words. Soon I found various things that I could connect with and write about.

This blog of has seen every high and low of mine. People who have followed my journey from the start know me inside out and they are such good friends today. My followers have stood strong by me and supported me through everything. Where ever I am today is only because of the love and support that I received from my readers. No matter what I wrote, there were people who read it and then they let me know how much they loved it. It was more motivational then what I could imagine. Soon, writing became like a necessity that I could not live without. I did not shy away from sharing anything on my blog. I remained honest and wrote everything from the heart and truthfully. This earned me a lot of haters and today I take this occasion to thank them for their hate. Their hate made me feel successful and proved to be a catalyst in writing more and more. I did not need someone to feel me feel famous, but the people who cussed and cursed my blog made me feel so. Their anger and hate made me feel happier and happier. If I could affect someone with my writing, in a good or in a bad way, I considered my work here done. As a writer, all that you want is to connect with the reader and considering that my posts were doing that, I was satisfied. I have not regretted a word of what I have written her so far. And I'm absolutely not sorry for writing anything.

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Six years is a really long time and my blog has still stuck on to what it was. All about my life and all about the truth. Love still remains the most important theme and is something that I will never let go off. This place has seen my heartbreaks, my love affairs, my story of triumph and the love I share with my husband. Life Of Leo is going to remain what it always was. Everything about my life. But as an added topic for celebrating six years of success, from now on I will be writing about fashion, beauty and lifestyle as well. Many people have told me to start writing about fashion and lifestyle as they see my Instagram pictures and think that I would do good at it. First I thought of starting a separate blog for that, but my husband pointed it out to me that since my existing blog was all about my life, why not include these things in the same blog itself. I was a bit skeptical about that, but then I decided to give it a try! Soon, you will seeing some different posts here. They maybe about fashion, makeup, style, food or anything else that is a part of my life. But I promise you, that the original feel of this blog would never change. The stories, the poetry, the honest posts and everything will continue the way it was. These are the things that add life to Life Of Leo.

Apart from the inclusion of these new topics, the only other thing that I'm planning to add extra is a 'Print This' option. I hear a lot of people are taking print outs of my posts to share it with others. I'm hugely flattered. So instead of those poor souls going through difficulties in printing a post, I have decided to include this option soon. How else will these people spread the news about what I have written and about whom? BTW, do printers come cheap these days?

I have huge plans for my blog from now on. I had a new domain registered and have configured it today, but apparently it takes about 24 to 48 hours to get activated and up and running. Had I known this earlier, I would have configured it two days ago. But then, better late than never. After going through like a million themes, I decided to go ahead with this one. I wanted something that is sleek and neat and with not too many colors. The coral color on this theme spoke to me and I could relate to it. The font and the layout is non fussy and straight forward, just like me. It is easy to customize as well. How do you like it?

Thank you to all my readers for making me a success here. Six years is huge and I couldn't have achieved it without all your love and support. I shall continue to write things that you love! And a huge thanks to my haters as well. Without you the success wouldn't have tasted this sweet. Save on your venom as I'm gonna continue to write things that you will hate. The celebrations have just started today and will continue all month long. And as always, please do keep coming back for more. 

Six years?!? Yay!! :D


  1. Yayyyy!!! Wishing you a lot of success in all that you do. I look forward to reading all of your posts, no matter what the topic. I know that I can relate to it anyway! A very happy bday to the blog!

  2. Happy birthday to your blog..! It must have transformed you into a better person.. that is how writing is I guess.. I love every bit of what you write.. Keep up the good work Soumya.. Haters shall follow and make it better.. :P


  3. Congratulations...wohooo... 6 years :) Happie b'day to the blog! Looking forward to reading many posts :) Best Wishes!

  4. All I can say is Congratulations on the milestone Leo. I am glad to have met u out here.

    1. I'm so glad about that too.

      Thanks Red, I love you :)

  5. I love you Soumya!!!
    And a very Happy Birthday to LOL :D

  6. Hey congrats! Many more years to come :)

    Oh same pinch on the template :)

    1. Thank you Naba! When I first saw this template I remembered that your blog also has the same one and how gorgeous it looked! Cheers, sistah! :)

  7. Wow! 6 years! That is awesome :) Congratulations Soumya :) Looking forward to read more from you and yes you are one of the bloggers I look up to :) You rock :-D

  8. Six!!! That is a lot but then again for a brilliant writer like you that is so not enough.

    A very happy blog anniversary. It certainly looks very beautiful. :)

    1. You are amazing my dear. Thank you so much :)

  9. Congratz on the occasion of Sixth Anniversary of your Blog :)

  10. Congrats on completing six years, Soumya! :D One of the best people I have met here.
    You deserve success and nothing else! :)

  11. I envy you for having the courage to write here what your heart desires. You know you are an inspiration, right? I'll be around as long as this blog shall live :)

    1. You better be! You know I love you, right? :)

  12. Congratulations Soumya. That is a great achievement. Discovered your blog quite late. But enjoying each post. :)

    1. Thanks Preeti! We were late visitors to each other's blogs.

      But better late than never, right? :)

  13. Hey! Congrats on the having your own domain!! and hats off to you for being such a wonderful writer and the writer of truth :)

    I am not a big fan of having sidebars, so I have to say I liked your previous theme better, but the coral color is cool, I'm in fact planning to paint one of rooms coral in our new flat here. :D

    And yes, Soumya, looking forward to your posts on the new topics!!!

  14. Wow! That's quite a journey! Congratulations and wishing you more milestone achievements! Cheers!

  15. Congratulations! Happy blogging beyond six years and ever after.

  16. Awwww that's so sweet of you :)

    Thank you babe, I love you <3

  17. Heartiest congratulations, my dear :) I am very very happy for you :)

  18. Congratulations. Ok, ok.. get to the book now. :) :P

    PS: Feeling proud. *Pats back*

  19. Nice new no-nonsense look for your Blog! Reflects you :)
    Congrats for the new domain & the super milestone!
    Best wishes :) Cheers!

    1. Thank you Anita! Nice to see you here after long :)

  20. Extraordinary! I started reading your blog when you were mid way but one day I found time and dug your archives. I read every single post of yours from the first one and honestly I was amazed at your emotions. I felt that I have never seen another person feel so strongly for love. But I didn't express it when I read it because I thought you are long over those heart-broken emotions and that I didn't want to bring out the topics. Thanks for giving me a chance to tell what I felt now :)

    Leo, you are amazing! I have admired the everything is a open book policy about you. I am a closed person and can never do that online. There have been so many times that I took that pleasure by reading your posts that resonated with my thoughts. I have never felt any hesitation about commenting on your blog because you encourage honesty. I comment if I can relate, otherwise I don't. You understand your readers and that made me feel more at ease.

    This is getting long, so I would like to finish by telling you that I love the blog, the makeover, the posts and the writer in you. Keep rocking!

    1. Awww how sweet are you. It is people like you who make me this person that I am here today.

      Thank you so much for all the support you have given me :)

  21. Congrats on your six years of your writing journey Soumya! :) May you continue to find and voice your voice to inspire others on their journeys. :) <3

  22. Many many congratulations Leo!! Quite a milestone! :)

  23. Happy 6 year anniversary! And congratulations on the new domain. Loving the new look and here's to many more years ahead!


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