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Wife Beating

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"When the wife is away, the husband will play."

"Marriage is a workshop where husband works and the wife shops."

"WIFE: Without information, fighting every time."

"It is hilarious when women think that they are punishing their husbands by not talking to them for a few days."

"A husband always has a wireless connection around him. It is called - Wifeye."

These are not the only jokes doing the rounds since time immemorial. Every day there are new jokes, either on the Internet or in the form of a whatsapp forward. While I am a person who loves humor and people with a sense of humor, jokes like these are nothing but trash to me. My husband and I have been together for five years and have been married for three and a half years and we have never found any such joke remotely funny. Marriage to us is a sacred bond that celebrates our love. We have been together for everyday of these five years and cannot do without seeing each other even for a day. You might be thinking that since I'm the wife, it is easy for me to say this. Feel free to talk to my husband about this, he will echo the same thoughts.

It is not only my husband, I do have some good friends who love their wives and cannot stay away from them. On the other hand, I also have friends who never tire of complaining about their wives. They cannot wait for their wives to go home to her parents or somewhere else just to leave them alone. They complain about not being able to drink or party because of the presence of a wife in their life. Rather than cribbing about it, I think they should sit and reason with their wives instead of assuming that she might not let him go out with his friends. A woman has a life too. Irrespective of whether she is a wife or not. If she has to go out to meet her friends then I'm sure she will let you do that too. Why make such a big deal out of something so basic?

Another thing that most men worry about when it comes to their wives is the 'S' word. Shopping. Most men act like they have never shopped for anything in their life and that shopping was an unheard of topic until the wife came along. It really is hideous. Yes, women do take a long time to shop and I know that men have to wait endlessly outside a trial room, but if this is something that makes her happy then what is the problem? Most women earn these days and pay the bill themselves, yet some men cannot stop complaining about the whole charade. I am not a big fan of shopping as I'm a very impatient person who cannot wait in the trail room's queue or the billing counter. As and when I feel the need to shop, my husband and I go shopping together. He waits for me outside the trail room and I do the same when he has to try on his clothes. Neither of us think of it as an issue.

Most men think of their wives as a noose hanging around their head all the time. Such thoughts give rise to more and more silly jokes or innuendos which get circulated endlessly. Not only men, there also are women who happily share these stuff. While there are women who complain endlessly about their husbands as well, more often than not the joke is always on them. The men might think that it is harmless to share a joke or complain about their wives, but it is no less than wife beating when you put your wife down in front of others. A married man with kids once shared a forward on whatsapp about why you should always respect a pregnant woman. This is what it read - "Always respect a pregnant woman. She is walking around with evidence that she was fu*ked." I wonder how his wife would react if she read this. There also are men who openly admit that they feel chained by their wives. When I ask them why they got married, they reply "For sex". It is sad that the sanctity of marriage has come down to this for some people.

Everybody enjoys a good sense of humor, but jokes and memes like these are nothing but offensive and in poor taste. Dear men, if you have a problem with your wife, please talk to her about it instead of making a joke out of it or complaining about it to your other male friends who would join in with their own tales and laughter.


  1. Soumya, the newspaper is full of crappy jokes like the ones in the beginning of your post. I always wonder who finds them funny...and the ones that do...why do they get married in the first place?

    Verrrry annoying to be with people who crib all the time about their spouses. And the bad jokes, ugh!

    Mmwah! to you.

    1. Sadly, there would be no end to such jokes.

      Love to you!

  2. Yes, these jokes they get on my nerves. I feel a lot of people are stuck in marriages for the wrong reason. If there is an issue with shopping or something else, it would be best if they can thrash it out with their wives. Why keep cribbing? So very silly.

    1. Totally agree. Communication is the key. ALways.

  3. I can never respect people who share such jokes. It is in poor taste and an insult to a beautiful relationship

    1. Oh yes. Sadly, some people don't think of it this way.

  4. It is very annoying. I see women themselves making fools of themselves by cracking same jokes. Its such a pity.

    P.S - I have a new blog address now.Find me here.

    1. I know! I find it so weird when women guffaw over such jokes.

  5. Well said Soumya!! And the shopping jokes you talk about makes me angry too.When a woman can pay her own bills why do some men take pride as if he took all the pain on earth to take her to shop.Appreciate the fact that sensible people are deaf to such jokes!

  6. What kind of marriage is that when you are in relationship just for sex... Like seriously how primitive and immature is that. The shopping jokes really irk me. I tell them straight off that if you want to be a snob so be it, let me live in style ;) my husband takes ages to shop... He is very picky so he doesn't mind when I shop and he waits. Women shop, so what's wrong. They shop for everyone in the family not just herself. These jokes are what men discuss in real time too... These are not just jokes but they think it's their reality which is absurd!

    1. Well, some people think that marriage is only free sex and nothing else. Pity them.

      I tell them off too. I don't care what they think. It is about time someone stood up to such things.

  7. I am part of a Moms group on WhatsApp. The school group. It really pains when they share such jokes. And I know if I respond to it, I'll only be considered anti-social with a bad sense of humor. These people have killed the real meaning of humor. I have been married to the man for fourteen years after two years of courtship. Never have we felt anything like this. He is free to party with his friends and I'm free to enjoy my shopping. We also spend time together shopping and have never felt bad about having to wait for the other. Absolute nonsense these jokes are.

    1. Moms group sharing such stuff is totally absurd. Do they actually find it funny?

      Live and let live, how hard is that.

  8. Agree with you, Soumya! Tell me about it! Such jokes are annoying for me, not funny. How people find them funny, I never know!


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