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Dear Mind, I'm Sorry

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Dear mind, I'm sorry
For not thinking about you soon
I know I keep you overworked
Morning, night and noon

Dear mind, I'm sorry
For plaguing you with list after list
Too many things to remember
As I fight hand over fist

Dear mind, I'm sorry
For never letting you rest
I've always wanted to do it all
At everything, to be the best

Dear mind, I'm sorry
For piling up things on you
It has been a struggle for me
A battle between old and new

Dear mind, I'm sorry
For never letting you have it easy
I know I tend to over think
Keeping you invariably busy

Dear mind, I'm sorry
For never caring enough about you
While you struggled to keep up
I was lining up queue after queue

Dear mind, I'm sorry
But I now have learnt my lesson
I'll give you enough breathing space
I'll never let you fail on the run

Dear mind, I'm sorry
For letting it go this far
I promise to never burden you again
Because I am, if you are


  1. Thought provoking poem, Soumya. We should take good care of our mind. Timely reminder.

    1. This should be of utmost importance, Vinitha.

  2. Ode to the mind, is it? I know the crazy kind of pressure that we put on our mind I guess it works best when overworked.

    1. Yes, Rachna. About time I gave it enough importance. I couldn't afford another burnout.

      Yeah, we do work well when overworked, but later it takes you down. I learnt it the hard way.

  3. Aw that was so sweet. We don't even think about how much pressure we put on our poor mind without giving it a moment of rest or breathing space.

    1. You said it, Tulika! When I felt like the mind was oozing out of my ears, I decided to slow down.

  4. Such a thought provoking poem. How many times do we actually take care of our mind or ourselves for that matter. This resonates with me quite a bit.

    1. We could care about our mind first! Always first.

  5. Beautiful and poignant words Soumya. As a recovering perfectionist who struggles with anxiety and who has battled with depression, the words resonate with me. I wonder if you've read or watched any of Brene Brown's work? If not, I highly recommend starting with her TED talk on the power of vulnerability.

    1. I had to go through the exact same things, to realize this. I couldn't afford another burnout honestly!

      I've heard a lot about her, but never got a chance to read/watch her. Now, I will for sure.

  6. Resonates well with me too! How much we pressurize our minds just to sink into our busy lives. It is true that if our minds are burdened, so are we! My mind smiles and thanks you for letting me know the importance of giving it it's own breathing space.

    1. We need to take really good care of my minds.

  7. I too feel the same sometimes, even though I am not a perfectionist. This mind is handling a little too much. Loved your poem and the smooth rhymes.

    1. We need to allow our mind to slow down every now and then. Thank you Luxxxmii.

  8. Oh the mind and how we load it with so many things. A good reminder here, Soumya!


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