Today morning when I woke up, I held my cup of coffee and got set for my most favorite activity of the day. And then I panicked. Since yesterday was a public holiday in Bangalore, there was no issue of newspaper for today. Damn it. This is a daily ritual of mine, without which I feel incomplete to the core. And coffee is my dangerous addiction. I cannot start my day unless I feel caffeine seep through my veins. Yeah, highly addicted. And not just any coffee, I have to always make it myself. My way. I like it super bitter, with just a pinch of sugar. The tiniest pinch possible. I add the sugar in my cup first, then the instant coffee powder, then boiling hot milk. No, even hot will not do. It needs to be boiling hot and straight off the stove. Then I walk up to my favorite spot and start reading the news paper. No matter how late I am for work or how much cooking is pending, I never get up without finishing the paper.
We subscribe to two news papers. Bangalore Mirror and The Times Of India. I always start with the Bangalore Mirror first. If my husband or anyone else is reading it, I snatch it from them. Next I get on to TOI and finally finish it off with Bangalore Times. This order never changes. If it does, I have a lousy day. A sip for a page and I read the paper end to end. From local news to sports, from economics to gossip, from international news to cartoons. The first hour after I wake up is sacred to me. No matter how late. I do not like talking to anyone for the first hour. I'd rather spend some time alone with myself, the coffee and the news. Talk to me then and get ready to be snapped at.
My evening cup of coffee is a different story altogether. At around three pm I have a cup of green tea, but after four, my body craves for coffee again. Since its my office, I do not have the luxury of preparing it myself. I can get the coffee powder, but what about the boiling milk? So, I'm forced to have it at the cafeteria. Outside home, I only drink sugarless coffee. No, I'm not conscious about my weight or anything. Just that I have an allergy to sweets. I do not like sweets at all. Not even sugar. Not chocolates even. So I have super hot sugar less filter coffee in office. As soon as the coffee boys see me arriving, they get set on my coffee. Some even ask me if I have diabetes. I politely smile and say no. This is a routine too.
I hate the coffee from Cafe Coffee Day, Costa, Barista or any other coffee shop for that matter. I find it extremely burnt and I feel like puking with the first sip. The hot ones I mean. The frozen or ice blended ones work fine for me. Again, with minimal sugar. I like to feel the bitterness of the coffee on my tongue. Else, it clearly is not worth it. I don't understand why these cafes are so overrated when it comes to a hot cup. It sucks, to be honest. And the heart shaped cream on top of it, doesn't help either!
Hot coffee and news paper is my ultimate combo to start of the day with, while cold coffee is the perfect partner for a conversation. Coffee flavored ice cream is my ultimate indulgence and the smell of freshly brewed coffee gives me an orgasm!
The reason I am writing this is, what all we bring upon ourselves. Its not like I'm going to kick the bucket if I do not have that cup of coffee. Its just that my mind and my body conspire against my will and crave for it. I have tried giving it up many a times, but after about two hours my head starts splitting. I think it is purely psychological, but a cup later I feel totally fine. Probably, subconsciously I have wired my body to get used to this addiction and throw out symptoms when it does not get it. I have many other addictions too, but coffee remains on the top. In capitals. And in bold. They say coffee causes heat in the body. Well, I don't care. I'm a machine that needs to be oiled well with caffeine. Else, I stop functioning. Completely.
So, what are you addicted to?
~ Soumya
it is good to have some addiction in life.
ReplyDeleteSure is.
DeleteLol I'm addicted to tea! A day without Tea and newspaper makes me a grumpy old woman nagging any person that stands in my way
ReplyDeleteHaha I hear ya sistah!
DeleteThis post makes me smile. I drink decaf, partly because I've had borderline high blood pressure, and I never drank coffee for the caffeine. I just like a hot beverage and not hot tea. But I am addicted to chocolate in any variety (candy, cake, cookies, pudding, etc.). I don't have it daily but most days. And when i don't have any in the house, I tend to wig a bit. :P
ReplyDeleteOh, you take care there! Without coffee, I am a maniac on the loose :)
DeleteWell , I am not a coffee addict but yeah I don't mind a cup of it at times. I like its taste . But I prefer a sweet one. Sometimes coffee also helps to refresh our minds so its good to have a cup of coffee.
ReplyDeleteA cup of coffee with one we love tastes even better ;)
Coffee helps refresh my mind and body too!
DeleteOh yeah :)
My sister loves coffee too! But I never really found the charm in it...Nice way to start the challenge Soumya :)
ReplyDeleteYou should try the one I make, I'd get you hooked! ;)
DeleteThanks for visiting Naba!
This is awesome!!! I am going to (try) and do this too! Taking up the challenge & answering your question in my post (because the answer got too long here lol) :)
ReplyDeleteHahaha I'm waiting to comment on that post of yours! If you write it that is :P
DeleteIts been ages, go write a post now woman! :D
Coffee powder? I assume you don't mean instant coffee? As for addiction, if you do want to give it up, you have to put up with the headache for a day or two until your body gets used to going without. I stopped having coffee with caffeine, I had terrible headaches. Same when I quit smoking, eventually it goes.
I mean instant coffee powder indeed. The beans don't work for me.
DeleteThere is no way I wanna give up on this. I love this addiction. My headaches are severe migraines, so I'd rather stick to the caffeine than the pain.
I am surrounded by so many coffee addicts...!!! But I dont like coffee that much...
ReplyDeleteOh you don't? Your missing something my lady :)
DeleteI like my coffee a lil cold and sweet and my husband likes it bitter and hot. Coffee making is also an art is what I have learnt.
ReplyDeleteIt sure is an art, but I only love mine :)
DeleteBitter and hot is my mantra too!
Angrez chale gaye Coffee chod gaye LOL :P no Offense..Really liked your synchronicity of reading newspapers :) Muaaahh
ReplyDeleteCoffee and angrez? I don't think the angrez got the coffee to India :P
DeleteThank you!
From one coffee addict to another --- I understand completely! And the last quote is so perfect!
ReplyDeleteApart from coffee, I am addicted to exercise. I suffer withdrawal symptoms and everything!
High Faive! :)
DeleteExercise is a regular for me, but yet to get addicted. I hope it does soon.
I have to admit "A" is for "Adore" coffee. But my addiction is for the flavour--not the caffeine. A fresh ground decaf does me just fine. Love Coffee Ice Cream too. Truly a flavour of the Gods.
ReplyDeleteGuess the caffeine does not keep you awake at night I am guessing? Lucky you :)
Thanks for sharing your addiction with us. I thin I am more addicted to coffee's rich sweet cousin---Chocolate.
Flavor of the Gods, you bet!
DeleteI just have two cups a day, my work exhausts me enough to get me some good sleep :)
Thanks for reading Christine, may God bless you with more chocolates!
Wow, this is some strong addiction :) In my home, my parents don't drink coffee and never let me too. Until I went off to college that is. At college, I started drinking it and liked it. But due to reasons unknown to myself, I didn't want to get addicted to it. So now I am a fan of strong coffee but I don't need it everyday.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to addiction, the closest I can say is chocolate especially the cadbury ones although I am trying very hard to cut down on it.
I need it to kick start my day. Else I kick everything else :P. You're lucky, you know?
DeleteI think everyone in the world apart from me are addicted to chocolates.
I love my usual coffee too. But I am not addicted. Infact I can proudly say I am not addicted to anything! And I hate these cafeterias as well. How hard is it to make a decent cuppa??? They should learn from us!
ReplyDeleteLucky you! How do you manage it?
DeleteTell me about it!
I love tea. And when its coffee, I have it with a good quantity of sugar. Without it...I cant even imagine drinking coffee !
ReplyDeleteI think mallus cannot be separated from their tea! :P
DeleteI loooooooooove coffee flavour though I don't drink coffee much. But coffee ice-cream is my favourite!
ReplyDeleteI am addicted to sweets! Like beyond addicted!
That explains why you are so sweet! :P
DeleteCheesy I know!
Hahaha go get it now! :D
ReplyDeleteHellooo fellow coffee addict! :D I swear by filter coffee! That is the only type of coffee that I LOVE! Rest all, sadly, I adjust :(
ReplyDeleteI really hate those espresso machine wala coffees that they serve in cafes. It tastes burnt.. i totally agree! In the whole of hyderabad I've managed to find only one tiny little cafe that serves good hot coffee. Otherwise its good old filter kappi at home!
Totally agree! I'm yet to find that comfort taste in a cafe in Bangalore.
DeleteSoumya....Minus the newspaper, you coulda been talking about me. We oughtta have a coffee date! :-)
ReplyDeleteVidya Sury
Rocking the A to Z Challenge with Team Damyanti
Blogging Betties: Are you one?
Blood Pressure and Living with Type 2 Diabetes
Hello ma'm, I'm so thrilled to see you here! We sure shall have that date soon :D
DeleteI'm not a coffee person. But most of my friends are coffee addicts. :P
ReplyDeleteMy addiction is not for a thing but for a person.
That is when addiction gets dangerous :)
DeleteYou do not like Chocolates, woman??? :0 Are you from Earth? :P
ReplyDeleteI know right? I'm almost sure I am a martian :P
DeleteI am not much of a tea or a coffee fan ... I do have them, but not like a fan type. By the way, I love the brownies these cafe shops offer, specially Dark Temptation from Barista :-)
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, that sure is yumminess. Coffee is just blah. They thrive thanks to their desserts!
Chocolate. Sugar. I don't drink coffee (unless there's chocolate in it), but boy that coffee ice cream looks good!