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Just Dance

(Pic: Danseuse ajustant sa bretelle, 1895-96, Edgar Degas)

dream or reality
shouldn't matter
just dance

forget the steps
feel the music
its your chance

throw it out
all the emotions
tap your feet

make a rhythm
follow the waves
groove to the beat

do not worry
no one watches
inside of you

dance heals
its a pleasure
known to few

get up and stand
strike a cord
rap or trance

a form of life
a blessing
is to dance

Written for The Magpie Tales: Mag 193.

~ Soumya


  1. Have to agree with your feelings about dancing.


  2. ahaaa! :)
    Yes, it is indeed a blessing to dance.

  3. A few more lines and this could be a hit song :)

  4. Very true. Just Dance! :)

  5. Wow!! Its a wonderful poem. I am c classical dancer and dance is my passion and I can so so so relate to you! I'm sure you love to dance too! Thanks for such a lovely poem.

    1. I love dance too! :)

      You're welcome, glad you liked it.


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