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Pricey Bones

Image Source: Google

They call me pretty
I don't see what they do see
It does not matter

It does not matter
This is all that I can do
I need the money

I need the money
So this is how I should be
Thin, frail and fragile

Thin, frail and fragile
Almost lifeless I feel now
Beautiful they say

Beautiful they say
Its so hard to stay this way
I only feel bones

Written for Haiku Horizons: Prompt - Bones.


  1. Ha.. she looks like a stick insect! Misogynists invent this sort of fashion to make women look emaciated.

  2. Sculpted body, high heels, tight skirts, make-up - it's not as easy as it looks. Even the compliments don't make a difference when you put so much effort.

  3. It's sickening to see such anorexic models. I would rather stay as I am than be stick thin! Curves are sexy, flamingo legs are not!

  4. Good grief -- no one should punish their body like that. Great haiku cycle.

  5. I cant understand what measurements have to do with beauty !

  6. Forced anorexia......that is what money and fame does to them.

  7. A wonderful haiku depicting the truth .... being bony is certainly not healthy.

  8. Money a lot goes into being so thin and bony .. plus whats worst is it is not very healthy toooo

    thankfully i neither have the money NOR the patience to try to be thin and boney :) he he he


  9. God, such professions. It makes you lose yourself to the moolah that comes in. And, sadly you're not even happy about it. I'd go for the curves any day than such thin figures!

  10. I honestly don't see the beauty in such emancipated bodies, but that is me with plenty of meat on my bones to share. :P

  11. Wow! Quite a bit of reality here. Good one.

  12. perfect Soumya ! you have painted a vivid image of those ''grotesque '' beauties so boldly in your verses ! ah ! just for '' a fistful of dollars'' !

  13. I have seen the models walking the ramp on shows on fashion tv. They look sad!! And hungry!! I feel so pavam looking at them. Why can't they promote healthy models? A model is supposed to be a "model" right? Then why show such fallacies which only mislead young girls. Sigh..Hope things change for the better some day.
    Good one love..Cheers !


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