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G: God

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I have been wanting to write this post since I saw PK, but somehow never got to it. God to me has always been a super power and nothing more than that. We all have had to evolve from somewhere and that is God to me. Somebody should have created the first draft of the earth, before science took it up as its own responsibility. That is God to me. Its a faith that is deep rooted in my heart and I am very happy with it. I do not visit temples or pray often, but when ever I do my prayer includes just two words, "Thank You". And religion is something that I hate talking about. I completely loathe that topic altogether. Hindu, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs etc etc. And this gets further divided into caste. Brahmins, Shudras, SC/ST, Smartha, Madhava etc etc etc. And that plays in my head when I hear about religion, caste, gothra is one big finger.

The concept of God is so funny in our country. Natural calamities unite people and God divides people. Everyone is only concentrating on pleasing God come what may. The love for God is so much that man would go to any extent to get his wishes fulfilled. People take up yatras, fast for days, sacrifice something for a desire of theirs. And who is the sole point of contact to address these issues? God. If someone is admitted in the hospital and gets well soon, they thank God. The poor doctor is left underrated. If someone gets a new job, God is thanked. The talent and hard work is forgotten. If something doesn't work out right, instead of trying to sort it out people prefer to perform pujas, sacrifices and offer riches to the Lord. Crazy is the word to describe it. God helps us yes, but God doesn't do it for you.

Like how PK says in the movie, God is only a hope that people need. The assurance of being watched by a high power and being alive today is enough to survive. The satisfaction of someone being there to watch out for you is enough. One should not depend on God for everything. People chant mantras every day, tie various threads around their necks and wrists, wear innumerable rings and offer whatever money they make to God. Maybe if that money is being offered to charity instead, God will bless them more. Religion indeed is a big business in our country with a Godman or Godwoman being present in every corner of every city. And then we have astrologers who are willing to change your fate for a certain amount of money. I thought destiny and fate was something that we all are born with. Quite some manipulation would be required to change something like that don't you think?

The people who reach out to God for every need and greed of theirs are foolish. Worshiping a stone, idol or even a golden statue makes no sense to me. Faith and belief should be in the heart and is not needed to be publicized. Making an offering to God so that other people see and think high of you is another sham altogether. We Indians are very easy to fool and people like these take advantage of it. Belief in God is important, but dependency is not. God is there for you no matter what, but completely relying on God is plain stupid. Such things will lead to superstitions where you will learn to believe that something good is happening to you only because of the red thread tied to your wrist. People then tend to doubt their own self worth and will rely on a piece of thread to do their work.

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Entertainment in the name of God is another disgusting affair. During Ganesh Chaturthi and other festivals when idols are worshiped in a pandal, have you heard the songs being played? I have heard 'Sheila Ki Jawani' and 'Lungi Dance' being played to call the Lord. Religious chants and hymns bother me as I feel that they are not necessary. If I have to talk to God I will talk directly, I do not have to sing or dance for it. More than God, I believe in Karma. That is the only thing that I believe in completely and that makes me the person that I am today. I know that 'As you sow, so shall you reap' as I have seen some mighty people falling and failing right in front of my eyes. I have seen people lose precious things due to their karma and I know that they deserved it one hundred percent. If God is the one who is directing karma, then he/she is the master of the universe indeed.

The business of God is getting successful day by day in India. And it is going digital too. There are online sites that offer you a 3D darshan of any religious place from the comfort of your house. There are other sites that claim to get prashad for you from places that you are unable to visit. And obviously for a certain sum of money. Nobody knows if the holy item is actually from the religious place or just purchased from a sweet seller next door. And nobody cares. The business is booming and people continue to put forth their demands. And no matter what the demand, there always is a supply for it. If God is watching, he/she is laughing his ass off.

The opinions of this post are entirely mine and I do not intend to offend anyone or everyone. But it is about time people start believing more in logic and reasoning than in something that we cannot see, touch or hear. Yes God exists as the creator of the universe, and is watching us all the time. He/She gives you strength to handle strife and helps you walk through it. That is the only consolation one needs. After the world was created, whatever happened, God is not to blame for it. Whatever good or bad is happening to you right now is your karma and nothing else. You don't go to God when you die, your karma will send you wherever you are supposed to go.

So believe in yourself and God. Love yourself and God. Depend on yourself first, then God. Blame yourself, not God.

Can't do it? Well do not worry, I'm sure there is some puja that will help you do it.

Linking to the A to Z Challenge.


  1. you have pretty much voiced my mind on this... have faced the whole gamut of opinions across the years and seen all of Kerala's big godmen and women along the way ... conclusion? organised religion just preys on your fears. As you said, believe in a higher power without labelling it

    1. I'm glad I have company doc! Kerala is another mess altogether.

  2. Not necessarily an easy topic to write about, but you "done well!" ;) I think a prayer of "Thank You" is enough; gratitude is very important. And I agree that religion is big business, everywhere! ;) I also concur with you that "Faith and belief should be in the heart and is not needed to be publicized." Well spoken! :) <3

  3. So true! Thankfully there are people like you who believe what I do. In my families (both the maternal and the extended ones), my views are considered rebellious. They have such deep rooted sentiments which are argued upon so much but even when I place the reason right in front of their eyes, they don't agree. So I made peace with them saying "I will keep my beliefs and you keep yours". That's the best way to go about it. I wouldn't ridicule someone just because they are overly religious and I expect the same that I shouldn't be treated different just because I don't go to temples and believe in buying a poor beggar a meal than dropping a hefty note into the temple's hundi.

  4. I believe in a super power too. I totally believe in Karma. I am so glad to know, there are people who think exactly like me. I think education is making most of us question the redundant beliefs. I hope more people start relying on logic, a religion free society would be an ideal society. :)

  5. Looks like you spoke your heath out Soumya!! 'The debate about god & religion will continue to happen until we understand it from within.

    I too wrote similar thing on the similar line 2 days ago -

    1. Thanks Hemant! I'm off to check your post.

  6. I gotta share this. Bang on! Add to that online Bhajan. Religion and God are mediums to mint money, install doubts in the minds of the people. Welcome to the upside world!!

  7. You've voiced pretty much all my views on God and religion. Religion is purely s commercialised product marketed really well. I hated going to temples because everyone seemed so hypocritical. And totally agree on how people are quick to credit God for things instead of the person doing the work. Religion frustrates me.

  8. I hate how God and faith is becoming a huge business in India. If only that much faith and sensitivity is shown to humanity.

  9. You brought up the topic in a fantastic manner ... elaborating the points.

  10. Religion has become a business just like any other. Hats off to you for voicing your opinion on this, Soumya. I have never been a religious person, I'm more spiritual. And yes, I'm a firm believer in Karma.

    1. Me too. Another thing we have in common :)


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