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Wave Of Poison

PHOTO PROMPT – © Kent Bonham

"Isn't this the most famous joint in town, come on let us go in for a drink," Rohit pulls me towards the bar.

He was new in town and on a vacation and excited, but I was a recovering alcoholic and had been sober for seven months now. And then I saw her walk by, dressed all beautiful and laughing loud as she held the hand of the man with her. The woman I love, with the man she loves.

I walk into the bar and drown myself in the wave of the poison I had been avoiding until now.

This five sentence fiction is written for the topic 'Waves' at Lillie McFerrin Writes.

This drabble (100 word fiction) is written for Friday Fictioneers, 26th June 2015.


  1. Oh how sad. He's not the first man driven back to drink by unrequited love. Great take on the prompt.

  2. Dear Soumya,

    Seven months recovery is still tenuous. Pity he didn't think to call his sponsor. Nicely done.



    1. Real pity indeed. But love makes you do crazy things.

      Thank you Rochelle.

  3. Terrific writing on tearing of the heart.

  4. no use being sober in this world

  5. The place that has never rejected a hurt man.

  6. Lost love can certainly make a man drown his sorrows, particularly in alcohol, though too bad he was tempted to do so.

  7. Something I have seen my friends do. Drown themselves in alcohol due to unrequited love. Its sad.


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