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Feel It For Me

I know it is hurting every part of you, but I want you to feel the ache I am feeling in my heart. I want you to think of all the happy moments we spent together, those times when we sang and danced, those times when we smiled and laughed, those times when we kissed and made love, those times when we promised to stand by each other no matter what. Now, think of those times you took refuge in the arms of another man behind my back, the times when you told me a zillion lies, the times when you pulled yourself away from me. Can you feel the blood slowly leaving your body, baby?

Do not worry, in a while it shall all be over; just like you and me.

This five sentence fiction is written for the topic 'Ache' at Lillie McFerrin Writes.

~ Soumya


  1. Heart wrenching revenge! You made justice to the revenge! :p Awesome

  2. Soumzzz! "Excellent" is the word honey!

    This was bittersweet!! :D

  4. Of course I've never actually done it but I've imagined doing it. Some of the guys I let into my life betrayed me badly.

    1. You should do it. That's the only punishment for infidelity.

  5. REVENGE! God this is so awesome. I like how you twist the stories and make them really interesting.
    And omg you update everyday YOU ARE AWESOME. Its so hard to keep a track of your posts. I salute you for keeping your blog alive and publishing almost everyday. You must be really good at managing time. All of the readers including me love you for that. <3

    1. Ridx!
      Aren't you flirting by extoling?

    2. Ridx, thank you my darling! I try my best to post everyday. Thank you so so much :)

      Lots of love!

    3. Shabab, I'm not complaining! :)

  6. Woaa that's pretty dark... Well written

    1. Thank you! Most love stories have a hidden dark side to it.

  7. What an end, Soumya... over like the love-story.
    5 sentences that have a punch....

  8. Wow.

    It killed me just reading it. I couldn't live it.


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