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N: Nidhi

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They isolated me as soon as my daughter was born as in the quest of a male heir, they forgot humanity. All the hospital bills were paid for and they left my suitcase and my things in the hospital room and left. Even my husband did not feel the need to come and see his new born child, he just left me a wad of cash. I collect my belongings and leave the cash untouched. I have all that I wanted with me; my treasure, my daughter Nidhi.

*In the context of Hindu mythology, Nidhi is a treasure, constituted of nine treasures belonging to Kubera, the God of wealth.

This five sentence fiction is written for the topic 'Isolated' at Lillie McFerrin Writes.

Linking to the A to Z Challenge.


  1. I hope Karma hits the husband. Brave woman she is. Well written.

  2. Hard to believe such men exist. Even now. Great job, Soumya!

  3. My daughter's name is Nidhi and she truly is a treasure. Don't know how many Nidhi's we have to sacrifice before letting them live.

  4. Brave girl. Female infanticide will end in our country if we had more like her.
    Well written.

  5. When will our society realize that by killing the girl child, they are killing the future!!

  6. She took the right decision. Her daughter will indeed be her precious Nidhi :)

  7. How insensitive can people get? Good one Soumya!
    You are welcome to visit my A-Z posts here:

  8. what a great self-respecting lady! Such an apt word you have chosen!

  9. Heartbreaking and heartwarming at the same time. Sadly, this isn't even necessarily fiction in our land.

  10. Loved this one, Soumya. She displayed such strength of character.
    *Shantala @ ShanayaTales*

  11. Lovely story Soumya. Luckily that doesn't basically apply in my part of the world.

    1. I'm so glad about that. Indians still need to catch up.

  12. That's so sad. Your opening sentence says it all - they forgot humanity.

  13. And she will grow up and so the society that she's indeed Nidhi, the treasure people forgot to look after, the treasure whom they underestimated!

  14. The young child Nidhi will grow up to do something amazing. I hope the story will reveal what that is in a future post.

  15. Well written.. Such husbands are to be left..

  16. This is a very well written, important piece. Thank you.


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