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Introducing: LOL's 'Roar & Soar' Award

Image Source: Google. Edited to a badge by LOL.

When PeeVee started 'U Rok My Sox' award on her blog a few years ago, I was more than impressed by the idea. I also wanted to start an award on my blog, to honor the writers who impress me. Somehow I never got around to doing it. Also, back then I used to only follow a limited number of bloggers who already had more than enough awards to their credit. Soon, the idea drowned in my mind and I did not think about it again. Until I came across Aathira's blog. One fine day, this lady leaves a comment on my blog as 'A' and I go back to see who this actually is. The minute I stepped in to her space, I was hooked. The first post of hers that I read was a fiction piece titled 'Desire'. I remember reading it again and again and again. As beautiful as it was, it reminded me of a few old posts of mine. Not in terms of content, but in terms of emotions and feelings. This post till date, remains one of the best pieces that I have ever read. Including all that I have written.

Day after day, I used to visit her blog wondering why I hadn't come across her before. Especially when her blog archive shows that she had been around since 2011. Her old posts were primarily book reviews and later moved up to fiction and poetry. I read all her previous posts and was overwhelmed. I finally had found one person who thinks just like the way I do. The way her characters behave is exactly the way I would have made them. The way her stories flow is exactly the way I would have written them. The way her emotions shine is exactly the way I would have perceived them. Every word was a delight and I looked forward to read her everyday. The minute I logged in, I used to visit her page and devour her writing. I do that till date. Her post 'Just Friends' reminded me of my own 'More Than Friends' and 'Pretense'. Her post 'Something about her' was so beautiful that I could visualize it in front of me. I was mesmerized by how beautifully she had created those characters. I usually write my stories imagining myself to be one of the characters and I could feel the same connect with her characters too. Then she wrote 'I am Sita' and sealed the deal for me.

I don't know her in person, but I applaud the wonderful talent that she is blessed with. Each of her story strikes a chord within me and I feel blessed to have read her. Just today I read her poem titled 'Ferris Wheel', a simple poem that warms your heart. Every single post of hers leaves you with something that lasts long even after you have left her page. Check her space out guys, you would not be disappointed. She calls it 'Bewitched by Words' and you sure will be bewitched by her words.

So introducing the first ever award from LOL. The 'Roar & Soar' award for the blog that is roaring currently and for sure will continue to soar. And the first recipient of it is Aathira. Thank you Aathira for your wonderful work and thank you once again for reminding me about the award I wanted to start years ago. I cannot think of anyone else, but you, to give this one to. Please accept this humble award that comes straight from my heart. You can choose if you want to display this on your blog or not. You can right-click and copy the badge. I know it is nothing big, but it is something very heartfelt. I leave it to you to write about this, if you want to. Incase you decide to acknowledge this, please talk about how these ideas are conceived in your beautiful mind. Also, please mail me your address at This award comes with a tiny gift too, that I shall be sending to you. 

This award would be a constant on LOL. As and when I find a blog or a blog post that drives me crazy, in a good way, I shall pass it on to the writer. Aathira deserved this for all her posts. Yes, for every single one of it. I have a list of bloggers on my mind already. I guess I shall make this award a monthly feature now, What say?


  1. Happily following now :)

  2. I just visited her blog. And thanks to you, else I would have never discovered her blog!! One amazing writer she is. Congrats Aathira!! :D

    1. You are welcome, she is awesome na? :)

    2. Absolutely Soumya!! And Aathira you are welcome. ;)

  3. what a initiative LEO!!!!!!!! She deserves it every one bit!!!!!! I am hooked to her blog too. :D

    1. Thanks Red, I have been planning this for long. She made me want to start it :)

  4. Oh my God! I'm speechless here Soumya! My work may not be all that great compared to yours but this means so much to me! I still can't believe that you actually have a post about my writing :) I can't stop smiling! THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart :) I'm honored that you chose me as the first recipient of this award! If I could reach across my screen and give you a hug, I would do that right now!!! Thank you Soumya :) For everything :) Your posts inspire me to be a better writer. I can't thank you enough! xoxo

    1. You deserve it. Every bit of it. I'm glad you liked it :)


  5. A wonderful initiative, this one :) And yes, Aathira deserves it , she's just too good with what she writes :) Good choice :)

  6. Good work Soumya. A great initiative and yes your first recipient truly deserves it!

  7. Yepps A Deserves it. I'm totally hooked to her work too! I discovered her blog just a month ago. Max two months I think. And my I actually scrolled all the way to the backk :D and nice idea me thinks! Awesome!

  8. This is sooooo sweet of you!! I will go ahead and check out her blog. I am sure she deserves this honour :)
    Congrats, Aathira!

  9. Thanks so much for the love everyone :) I feel blessed!

  10. Soumya, I have been following your blog since this feb.. I am smitten by your writing :) I have read a lot of the posts from your archives also. only one comment to all those posts "soumya, you rock!!"
    It was just last week that I clicked on A's comment on your blog and found Aathira's blog.. I read 'Just friends' and 'sound of silence' and she won over me.. I immediately started following her blog and read all her posts in 'fiction' and few others in her archives as well.. Enough to say, she really deserves this award.. :)
    Many a times I wanted to comment on your posts but didn't either due to sheer laziness or lack of time to log in (didn't want to comment anon) and comment.. But this time I could not resist commenting as I am moved by the heartfelt appreciation you have showered on a fellow blogger..
    Delurking for the first time - bewitched by your and Aathira's words..

    1. Thank you do much for taking time out to comment.

      Thank you :)

    2. Thank you Seena :) Soumya is indeed a wonder woman of words!

  11. A big thank you for introducing me to her blog.
    There are very few writers who can keep one hooked till the end. I love her blog, and this award is well deserved :)

  12. What a lovely initiative, Soumya!
    Congrats Aathira :)

    1. Thanks Anita :) It's great to have a blogger friend like Soumya :)

  13. I also started following Aathira's blog few weeks ago...and like you I also check her blog regularly for new additions ! she's really awesome and deserves it ! :)

  14. Good choice ..I am following now..

  15. Wow, like everyone else, I too LOVE this initiative Soumya. I'm sure there's a long way to go with all of us being excited already.
    I love Athira's blog too. Congrats A :)

  16. Soumya, a heart felt thanks from me :)

    1. You are most welcome and thank you for the wonderful words your wrote about me. :)

  17. Wow! What an initiative :)

    Very thoughtful of you to encourage talent! Speaks volumes of the person you are, Soumya! :)


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