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Wet Moon - Monsoon Memories

It started with a tiny drop
And then it started to pour
But we wanted to see each other
Temptation striking the core

In the pouring torrent
I reached the place all wet
Sitting there waiting for you
In the wonderful romantic set

You arrived five minutes later
Soaking wet but smiling wide
I could then see the love lorn man
As well as the innocent child inside

As we snuggled under the orange umbrella
Sipping our coffee piping hot
Your hand remained entangled in mine
Everything else then seemed the unnecessary lot

Our first tryst with monsoon shall always be the best
Where we were trying to understand the other
It was a steady ramp up since then
As the rain and love brought us together

The heavy rains continued to pour
It sure was a very wild season
Yet we couldn't stay a day apart
Getting caught in a downpour was not enough a reason

As we paddled our way through hours
An effort not once it did seem
Being together was the common goal
As we became the peers of our realm

Day after day we still met
In spite of the tearing and crying cloud
We didn't let anything stop us
Looking back now, I feel so proud

Be it standing under the shelter of a tree
Or you hurriedly zipping my jacket up
You've held me tight to prevent me from the chill
When I looked cold like a lost wet pup

During last years rain, we were lovers
This time we get wet together as man and wife
As I watch you dance in the rain
I know God has given me the best ever life

Even though we had a mid summer wedding
Special shall remain the beautiful monsoon
The sun can shy away and hide
As you kiss me, under a wet moon

This is my post for the topic 'Monsoon Memories' on Darlings of Venus.

~ Soumya


  1. Aww, this is beautifully done, and these illustrations are awesome!

  2. Hi Soumya,

    Wonderful!! Your introduction, page and post...each of it screams of my exact feelings. (for eg. I am a leo too, love CNH and rains, and writting a piece on love in monsoon) the only difference is I would do it in a prose. I hope you have no issues if I share it with someone.

    1. Hello Sugandha, thanks for visiting my blog!

      You can share the poem, but please give me credit for it :)

  3. What lovely lines, Soumya! loved it!

  4. drawn from your life, huh? lovely words:)


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