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Day Four - Final Product #WhatTheBlack

Image Source: Google

Since I did not receive the clue for day 3 yesterday, it came in today. But the final product did not come in as promised. Sigh, I guess it shall appear tomorrow. But now that we all know what the final product is, I am awed by their wonderful marketing strategy. Candid Marketing Pvt Ltd, you guys rock! What brilliance! Especially the black newspaper. It was an awesome initiative and I'm so proud to be a part of this in some way or the other. Check out their site now. If that is not creativity then what is? Three days, three clues and one hell of a mind boggling activity. Maybe I would have guessed it too, had I received the clue for day 3 on time. But it was Anmol, who played Sherlock and solved this mystery! Three cheers to him.

All indicate mornings. And what is the first thing you do in the morning? Brush! Yes, so this is what it was all about. Introducing Colgate's SlimSoft Charcoal Toothbrush! Yet to try it though! This brush has black bristles. With a nation obsessed with fairness, this product needed all the marketing that it could get. I hope people don't fear this one thinking that their teeth might turn black if they use it! I am proud of BlogAdda for hosting this campaign. Hats off to them!

#WhatTheBlack is a four day activity in association with BlogAdda. Each day, the selected candidates will be receiving a clue and finally on the fourth day, the actual product will unveil itself. This was the final product.


  1. I loved this campaign. Had been following your posts since the black egg. And this is a good thing the black brush ! Because everything else is rapidly becoming fairer u see.

  2. I need to go back and read them all now .. been away so missed them


  3. I'd been tiptoeing behind you since the black egg, and it's been an awesome surprise :) Team BlogAdda rock !! And Anmol has been brilliant with his guess !!

    1. Awesome is the word!

      BlogAdda is awesome and so is Sherlock Anmol! :)

  4. I loved the entire promotional activity that they indulged into, right from the contents to these clues ... very well thought of campaign.

  5. Congrats for winning a grand prize, Soumya :)


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